PhD Graduated (Main Supervisor)
1. | Abdah binti Ishak (2014)
Thesis title: Stres Kerja Sebagai Mediator Terhadap Hubungan antara Personaliti Big Five dengan Kepuasan Kerja dan Prestasi Kerja Staf Sokongan Di Utm Johor Bahru |
2. | Nurul Iman Binti Abdul Jalil (2012)
Thesis title: Effects of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy Training Module on Irrational Beliefs and Job Stress Among Support Staff at Universiti Teknologi Petronas |
PhD Graduated (Co-Supervisor)
1. | Muhammad Siddique (2012)
Thesis title: The Influence of Workplace Isolation on the Relationship between Servant Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Job Outcomes. |
2. | Halimah Mohd Yusof (2011)
Thesis title: Effects of Emotional Competence Training on Leaders Emotional Intelligence and Self Motivation in an Organization. |
PhD In progress (Main Supervisor)
1. | Nik Rafidah binti Nik Yusoff (2017)
Thesis title: Kesan Modul Kesediaan Kerjaya ke atas Personaliti Big Five dan Efikasi Kendiri Kerjaya |
2. | Fauziah binti Zaiden (2019)
Thesis title: Kesan Modul Terapi Kognitif Tingkah laku Terhadap Pemikiran Tidak Berfungsi dan Lokus Kawalan dalam kalangan Wanita Hamil Luar Nikah |
3. | Saiful Lizan@Hasnul Hisyam bin Suparman (2019)
Thesis title: Kesan Modul REBT ke atas Pemikiran Tidak Rasional, Stres dan Motivasi Pelajar IPTI |
4. | Nor Amirah Masduki (2020)
Thesis title: Antecedents of Perceived Employability: Role of Career Self-Managament and Core Self-Evaluations
PhD In progress (Co-Supervisor)
1. | Muhammad Khairi Bin Abdul Majid (2015)
Thesis title: The Moderating Effects of Psychological Capital and Organization Commitment on Relationship Between Job Demands Job Resources and Job Burnout. – Correction after viva |