PhD students


PhD Graduated (Main Supervisor)

1. Abdah binti Ishak (2014)

Thesis title: Stres Kerja Sebagai Mediator Terhadap Hubungan antara Personaliti Big Five dengan Kepuasan Kerja dan Prestasi Kerja Staf Sokongan Di Utm Johor Bahru

2. Nurul Iman Binti Abdul Jalil  (2012)

Thesis title: Effects of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy Training Module on Irrational Beliefs and Job Stress Among Support Staff at Universiti Teknologi Petronas

PhD Graduated (Co-Supervisor)

1. Muhammad Siddique (2012)

Thesis title: The Influence of Workplace Isolation on the Relationship between Servant Leadership, Self-Efficacy and Job Outcomes.

2. Halimah Mohd Yusof (2011)

Thesis title: Effects of Emotional Competence Training on Leaders Emotional Intelligence and Self Motivation in an Organization.

PhD In progress (Main Supervisor)

1. Nik Rafidah binti Nik Yusoff (2017)

Thesis title: Kesan Modul Kesediaan Kerjaya ke atas Personaliti Big Five dan Efikasi Kendiri Kerjaya

2. Fauziah binti Zaiden (2019)

Thesis title: Kesan Modul Terapi Kognitif Tingkah laku Terhadap Pemikiran Tidak Berfungsi dan Lokus Kawalan dalam kalangan Wanita Hamil Luar Nikah

3. Saiful Lizan@Hasnul Hisyam bin Suparman (2019)

Thesis title: Kesan Modul REBT ke atas Pemikiran Tidak Rasional, Stres dan Motivasi Pelajar IPTI

4. Nor Amirah Masduki (2020)

Thesis title: Antecedents of Perceived Employability: Role of Career Self-Managament and Core Self-Evaluations


PhD In progress (Co-Supervisor)

1. Muhammad Khairi Bin Abdul Majid (2015)

Thesis title: The Moderating Effects of Psychological Capital and Organization Commitment on Relationship Between Job Demands Job Resources and Job Burnout. – Correction after viva