Cendekiawan matematik sohor dahulu kala,
Bukan sahaja penuh ilmu di dada,
Bukan sahaja mempelopor ilmu yang mengubah dunia,
Tetapi juga hebat berkata-kata.
Sudi-sudikanlah membaca makalah tulisan saya dalam Dewan Kosmik melalui platform JendelaDBP
Menyingkap Ungkapan Indah Cendekiawan Matematik Tersohor Zaman Silam
Thanks, e-estidotmy, for publishing my latest article titled “Let’s Play with Math.”
I am still looking for research grant opportunities to conduct a study on why many students failed Mathematics and Additional Mathematics in the recently announced SPM results.
It is sad to mention that out of the 95 subjects offered in SPM 2023, Additional Mathematics recorded the highest number of failures, followed by Mathematics.
It is crucial to identify the root cause and implement early intervention to ensure students can perform better in public examinations. It is worth sharing that, according to the TIMSS 2019 report (the TIMSS 2023 results will be announced at the end of this year), Malaysian students love mathematics but, ironically, do not perform well in it. Don’t you think something is not right somewhere?
Let’s Play with Math!
“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later; duniawi and ukhrawi” Facebook|Instagram|Google Scholar| ResearchGate|
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