[PART 2] Continuous Professional Development Initiatives among Young Researchers in Higher Education Institutions

Continued from https://people.utm.my/halim/part-1-continuous-professional-development-initiatives-among-young-researchers-in-higher-education-institutions/

PIC SOURCE: https://averconferences.com/young-researcher-guidelines.php

In addition to UTMShine, UTM Academic Leadership Center (UTMLead) has also launched  a mentor-mentee program. One of the goals of this program is to assist new researchers to apply for professional qualifications. It is hoped that this program will help to increase the percentage of UTM researchers who are professionally qualified in their fields of expertise. Each mentor selected by the faculty and appointed by UTMLead will mentor several mentees. Throughout the mentoring program, it hoped that the mentors will inspire young researchers to excel in every aspect of their professional development. UTM also requires young researchers to undergo professional training (LI) in certain agencies or industries. Professional training programs will enable lecturers to possess professional qualifications, gain work experience, increase external recognition to UTM and develop networking with industries. Another professional development program introduced by UTM is M4E-Mentoring For Excellence. This program is a structured mentor-mentee program which aims to provide guidance to young researchers in terms of institutional leadership, teaching & learning, research & innovation and professional practice. The program will also assist in the development talent among young researcher . In this regard, UTMLead continues to play a role in providing quality training programs for UTM young researchers. UTMLead’s role is to shape and develop academic leadership to ensure continuous excellence. UTMLead also develops potential of current leaders by enriching them with new and up-to-date knowledge. The center also trains young academicians to participate in CEO@Faculty program. The CEO@Faculty program is an initiative under Leap 2 (Talent Excellence) of Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (Higher Education).

In today’s challenging situation, young researchers need to be prepared to unlearn and relearn. Therefore, they cannot be complacent and comfortable with their current accomplishments. The thoughts of relying on funding from universities and government only should be eradicated since this kind of funding is limited. Thus, they need to possess the drive to outsource from other means such as industries, non governmental bodies either locally or abroad. In order to obtain new opportunites, young researchers need to embark in new skills and new ways of doing things which suit the demand and expectations of various grant providers. As an example, engineering reseachers may need to incorporate social science values and skills in an attempt to secure grants which involve societies. As a conclusion, higher educational institutions need to provide continuous professional development programs among young talents in research and academia. Universities need the  young talents to excel in their career as to ensure the existence of universities bring impact to the societies

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