Alhamdulillah I have been chosen by ALLAH SWT to be one of the researchers and join SRJP Program at DPRI Kyoto University in March 2017. That was such a golden opportunity for me a a young researcher to be attached with Japanese expertise for the first time. My host supervisor is Prof Akira Igarashi-sensie. He is one of the professor at DPRI and expert in earthquake engineering. He is very humble and knowledgeable in this field. He explain me about his current research and we try to have a similarity at some point. During my stay I tried my bes
t to meet others researches . I have met AP Dr. Masahiro Kurata, who is
young and very active researcher in publication and earthquake engineering research. His also alumni ROSE School, University of Pavia Italy, same university I did my master program. Dr Kurata also one of the researchers at DPRI. I meet Prof Harada at Katsura Campus who is expert in material subjected to elevated temperatures. He know my PhD supervisor. He very humble and kind to share his expertise with me and also arranged visit to GBRC Lab in Osaka.
I really hope and pray to have continuity and beneficial to our government, university and all from this program.
Enjoy some pictures during my visit.