Crime / Jenayah, Law / Rules / Regulation / Undang-undang, Leader / Pemimpin, Most / Terpaling, Story / Kisah, World Country / Negara Rekod menipu pilihanraya dicatatkan dalam Guiness Book Records, oleh bekas Presiden Liberia, Charles King, pada pilihanraya tahun 1927. Dia mendapat 234,000 kertas undi berbanding hanya 15,000 pengundi berdaftar. May 14, 2024 Mohd Shahrizan Mohd Saad Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guiness Book Records fot the most fraudulent election reported in history. King received 234,000 votes compare to 15,000 registered voters at the time.
Leader / Pemimpin, Record, Story / Kisah Sultan Johor mempunyai koleksi 300 buah kereta mewah, salah satunya adalah Mercedes yang dihadiahkan oleh Adolf Hitler kepada moyang baginda selain jet peribadi dan askar sendiri February 11, 2024 Mohd Shahrizan Mohd Saad Facts about Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim :-1. Own more than 300 luxury vintage cars.2. including one of which is the Mercedes that Adolf Hitler gave to his Great-great-grandfather3. Estimate wealth around $5.7 billion¹ 4. 24% interest in U Mobile²5. King who has own army, Royal Johor Military Force (JMF) ³ also can be seconded to the Malaysian army6. Own fleet of private jets³7. Powerful person in business Baginda turut memiliki :-– 24% kepentingan dalam U Mobile²– Anggaran kekayaan melebihi 5.7 billion dollar¹– Empayar perniagaan– Tentera sendiri yang boleh dijadikan askar tembahan jika diperlukan oleh ATM dengan syarat mendapat perkenan daripada Tuanku References : ¹Bloomberg ²India Times ³South China Morning Post
Figure / Tokoh, Leader / Pemimpin, Story / Kisah Sultan Johor (Sultan Ibrahim) memiliki lesen kapal terbang, helikopter, keretapi dan bot. Pernah membuat 19 terjunan payung terjun, 7 daripadanya pada waktu malam. February 4, 2024 Mohd Shahrizan Mohd Saad Sultan of Johor (Sultan Ibrahim) has a valid licenses to fly aircrafts (fixed-wing), helicopter (rotary wings aircraft), maneuver locomotives and boating licenses. Made 19 parachute jumps, 7 of them at night. Sources : Dokumentari Daulat Tuanku, Allah Pelihara Sultan, RTM, TV1 Portal Rasmi Kerajaan Negeri Johor Darul Ta'zim
Art / Seni, Culture / Budaya, Figure / Tokoh, Leader / Pemimpin Sultan Johor tidak memakai Tengkolok tetapi Mahkota, tidak memakai keris tetapi pedang, tidak memakai Muskat (berasal dari Oman) seperti sultan-sultan Melayu yang lain. February 4, 2024 Mohd Shahrizan Mohd Saad The Sultan of Johor does not wear a Tengkolok but a Crown, does not wear Keris (Malay Traditional Weapon) but a sword, does not wear Muskat (originating from Oman) like other Malay sultans.
Figure / Tokoh, Leader / Pemimpin, Most / Terpaling, Record Sultan Brunei memiliki 7,000 kereta January 28, 2024 Mohd Shahrizan Mohd Saad Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, is the biggest car collector of the world with 7,000 cars