John Carpenter, contestant on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ faces the final question to successfully win the 1 million dollar prize. He still has 3 lifelines. He then calls his father not to ask for an answer, but to inform that he will win 1 million dollars. He was the first person to win 1 million dollars.
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Ron Sveden berbulan bertarung dengan emphysema (masalah paru-paru seperti sesak nafas, batuk dan sakit dada) akhirnya doktor mendapati biji kacang tumbuh dalam paru-parunya. Doktor berkata, kacang itu telah masuk ke saluran yang salah.
In 2010 doktors have found a Pea sprouting in the lung of 75 years old man from Massachusetts in the US. The plant was about half an inch or 1.25cm in size after Ron Sveden had been battling emphysema for months when his condition deteriorated
Reference : BBC News - Pea plant grows inside man's lung
Veronica Seider, menurut Guiness World Record, mempunyai penglihatan 20x lebih daripada orang biasa. Dia boleh mengenal seseorang dari jarak 1.6km.
Veronica Seider holds the Guinness World Record for having the best eyesight, She has a vision 20 times more than an ordinary people an ability to recognise somebody in distance 1.6 km away
Remaja perempuan 18 tahun dari India hilang kedua-dua belah tangan selepas dilanggar bas. Tangan ganti yang baru diperolehi dari seorang lelaki berkulit lebih gelap, lengan yang lebih besar dan berbulu lebat. Dengan kuasa Allah, perbezaan itu hilang selepas beberapa tahun, apabila kulit lengan itu bertukar menjadi warna kulit remaja ini dan saiz mengecil sesuai dengan tubuhnya.
An 18-year-old girl from India lost both hands after being hit by a bus. She received an arm transplant from a man with darker skin, larger arms and hairy arms. By the power of Allah, the difference disappeared after a few years, when the skin of the arm turned into the color of this teenager’s skin and shrank in size to fit his body.
Kim Ung-yong, budak Korea pintar, IQ skor 210, umur 3 tahun sudah mampu menyelesaikan pengiraan kalkulus dan menerbitkan 247 muka surat best-selling book dalam bahasa Inggeris & Jerman. Ketika umur 5 tahun sudah boleh bercakap dalam 5 bahasa iaitu Korea, Inggeris, Perancis, Jerman & Jepun, Umur 8 tahun memasuki Universiti Colorado.
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak Korean, English, French, German and Japanese.[5]
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
Dia memaklumkan kepada bapanya, dia mahu menyelamatkan orang lain, seminggu kemudian Faye Loughrey 15 tahun membunuh diri, dia menyelamatkan 9 orang melalui pendermaan organ
He informed his father, he wanted to save others, a week later Faye Loughrey 15 years committed suicide, he saved 9 people through organ donation
Ibu bapanya telah meninggal tetapi katanya “mereka masih kekal berada di depan rumah di dalam Google Maps”

Allah dah janji dalam al-Quran, masa yang telah ditetapkan, tidak cepat atau lambat sekalipun sesaat. Elvita Adam’s tidak mati walaupun terjun dari tingkat 86 (The Empire State Building). Dia ditiup angin tersadai di tingkat 85.
Allah said in the Quran, When their time arrives, they can neither delay it for a moment, nor could they advance it. Elvita Adam’s did not die even after jumping from the 86th floor (The Empire State Building). He was blown to the ground on the 85th floor.
The Empire State Building is 102-story building completed in 1931.
Kemera digital pertama, oleh Steven Sasson pada Dec 1975, seberat 3.6 kg, 0.01 megapixels, mengambil masa 23 saat untuk memproses sekeping gambar
First camera digital by Steven Sasson in Dec 1975, it weighed 3.6 kg, 0.01 megapixels that took 23 seconds to process per image.

Kenapa perlu disebut hukuman gantung ‘sampai mati’. Kerana seorang wanita Maggie Dickson, selepas dijalankan hukuman gantung, dia tidak mati. Mahkamah menetapkan bahawa hukuman ke atasnya telah pun dilaksanakan. Selepas digantung dia hidup 40 tahun lagi.
Ada mengatakan dia mempunyai kawan baik, iaitu pembekal tali gantung, yang membuat simpulan untuk menyelamatkan dia
Maggie Dickson was sentenced to death by hanging, after being hanged, she still alive.
As the sentence of the court has been carried out, Maggie was beyond further prosecution. She lived for another 40 years
Reference : Undiscoverd Scotland
Ketika semua orang dipindahkan dari sebuah pulau, seorang wanita Juana Maria tertinggal kapal, dia hidup seorang diri di sebuah pulau (San Nicholas Island) selama 18 tahun (1935 – 1953), sebelum diselamatkan
Novel ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’ diterbitkan oleh Scott O’Dell. Dia dikata tertinggal kapal kerana pergi mencari anaknya untuk dibawa bersama ketika dalam proses pemindahan penduduk pulau tersebut
Juana Maria, left behind during an evacuation, lived alone in San Nicholas Island for 18 years. A novel titled ‘Island of the Blue Dolphin’s (1960) by Scott O’Dell is based on this story.
Rubik Kiub, asalnya alat bantu mengajar, dicipta oleh Professor Erno Rubik, selepas dicipta, dia ambil masa sebulan untuk menyelesaikannya, rekod paling pantas 3.13 saat pada 2023 oleh Max Park

Professor Erno Rubik creating the Rubik’s Cube in 1974 as a teaching aid, he spent a month struggling to unscramble it. Max Park take’s 3.13 seconds to solve it in 2023
Hachiko, anjing yang setia menanti di Stesen Keretapi Shibuya, menunggu tuannya Profesor Hidesaburo Ueno pulang dari kerja. Menunggu setiap hari, selama lebih dari 9 tahun (dari 21 May 1925 hingga 8 Mac 1935) sebelum dia ditemui mati di tepi jalan
The dog’s named Hachiko would meet Prof Ueno at Shibuya Station every day after his commute home. This continued untill May 21, 1925, when Prof Ueno died of a cerebral hemmorrhage while at work. From then till his death on March 8, 1935, Hachiko would return to Shibuya Station every day to await Ueno’s return
Reference : Wikipedia
Rekod jem paling teruk di dunia. Jem sepanjang 100km, kenderaan hanya bergerak 1km saja sehari, pengguna terkandas selama 12 hari, pada 14 Ogos 2010 di China National Highway 110 (G110).
World’s worst traffic congestion. The traffic jam slowed the thousands of vehicles for more than 100km. Cars moved at the speed of 1km per day, lasted for 12 days on China National Highway 110 (G110)

George Clooney bagi setiap seorang 1 bag yang berisi wang tunai 1 juta dolar kepada 14 orang kawan-kawanya. Katanya “mereka orang-orang yang tolong saya masa saya susah, sebelum saya dapat capai apa yang ada sekarang”
George Clooney gave 14 friends $1 million each in cash. He explained “these guy who’ve all, over a period 35 years, helped me in one way or another”
Reference : By Emmie Martin, CNBC, Dec 17, 2020
Mehran Karimi Nasseri, terperangkap, tidak boleh keluar, terpaksa menghabiskan hidupnya selama 18 tahun di terminal lapangan terbang di Perancis dari tahun 1988 – 2006 kerana masalah passport.
Mehran Karimi Nasseri living in Charles de Gaulle airport, France for 18 years since 1988 to 2006. A film titled The Terminal produced by Steven Spielberg bases of this true story and received $250,000 as inspiration for Dreamworks’ new film The Terminal but still sleeps on the plastic bench
Steven Spielberg menghasilkan filem ‘The Terminal’ dibintangi Tom Hanks berdasarkan kisah benar ini. Dia menerima 250,000 dolar dari Steven Spielberg sebagai ganjaran jalan cerita.

Soirce : Majalah Mastika
Pada 2011 lelaki Brazil menyelamatkan seekor penguin yang hampir mati kerana tenggelam dalam minyak, sejak dibebaskan, pengguin itu akan berenang sejauh 8,000 km untuk menemuinya setiap tahun
In 2011 a Brazillian man, Joao Pereira de Souza, a 73 year old part-time fisherman, found a penguin covered in oil and close to death. He nursed him back to health and since then the penguin swims 5,000 miles to reunite with the man who saved his life
Leonid Rogozov, doktor Soviet yang buat pembedahan rawatan appendix ke atas diri sendiri
Leonid Rogozov, 27-years-old Soviet Doctor, on May 1st, 1961 performing surgery on himself to remove an infected appendix
– Pembedahan sakit appendix
– pada 1 Mei 1961
– dengan bantuan cermin
– Ketika dalam misi di Antarctica
– Berada di tempat terpencil yang mustahil untuk menunggu
Saudagar berlian dari India menghadiahkan 400 buah rumah flat dan 1,260 biji kereta kepada para pekerjanya
A diamond merchant from India has gifted 400 flats and 1,260 cars to his employees
Pada penghujung 1800, seekor baboon telah ditugaskan untuk menjadi signalman di landasan keretapi. Dia tidak pernah melakukan kesilapan hingga akhir hayatnya.
In the late 1800s, a baboon was assigned to be a signalman on the railroad. He never once made a mistake until the end of his life.
Seorang budak perempuan di Ethiopia dipukul 7 lelaki sehingga 3 ekor singa datang menghalau 7 lelaki tersebut, bukan itu sahaja, singa-singa tersebut menunggu selama setengah hari sehingga bantuan tiba bagi memastikan keselamatan budak tersebut.
A 12-years-old girl in Ethiopia had been taken and beaten by 7 men until a pride of lions came to chasing the men away, She had been guarded by the lions for about half a day
Reference : NBC News, June 21, 2005 Source : The Associated Press The Guardian
Kandungan kembar yang lahir dalam sela masa paling lama ialah 90 hari (3 bulan) di USA, bayi pertama pada 1 Januari 1996 dan yang kedua 30 Mac 1996
The longest interval between the birth of twin is 90 days in Baltimore, Maryland, USA to parents Lesa and David West on Jan 1 1996 (Molly) and 30 March 1996 (Benjamin)
Bayi pertama Molly adalah pramatang dan yang kedua ialan Benjamin
Reference : Guinness World Records