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??? ??? ???????? ????? ??? ???????????? ???????? ???????? are invited join this webinar. The details are as follows :
Date : ???? ???? ???? (????????)
Time : ??.?? ?? – ??.?? ??
Speakers :
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?????????? ?? ?????, ??? ???????
AP Dr Vijay is the first person outside the UK to be accredited by the UK Council of Graduate Education.
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AP Dr Elke is the Associate Dean (Research) at the University of Canberra.
Both AP Dr. Vijay Mallan and AP Dr. Elke Stracke have collaborated on doctoral research in theory and practice for the past 15 years. They combine their collaborative research on improving feedback and assessment practices in doctoral supervision with developing and running professional development workshops for research students and supervisors.
Via : ????? ????
(link will be provided upon registration)
To participate and receive the Zoom link ?????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? ????, ??.????. Please scan the QR code on the poster.

?????? ??????????? :
Feedback lies at the heart of any learning experience, and giving and receiving feedback is an important and integral part of postgraduate supervision practice. This interactive webinar draws on recent research on the feedback process. In the webinar we will explore:
o what feedback is,
o examine supervisors’ written language use and candidates’ reactions,
o develop critical awareness of potential conflict due to language use and cross-cultural differences,
o the Feedback Expectation Tool (FET), and
o strategies to provide and receive effective and dialogic feedback.
For further inquiries, please email to : ????????@???.??
Thank you. See less

May be an image of 3 people and text that says "ပ UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA UTM UNIVERSITY OTAGO TWhaagOrag UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA Feedback as Dialogue in Doctoral Supervision 29TH JULY 2021 (THURSDAY) 10.00 A.M.-12.00 P.M. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vijay Mallan Universtity Otago, New Zealand Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elke Stracke Universtity of Canberra, Australia MODERATOR: Dr.Farhana Abu Bakar Faculty Sciences umanities Universiti Teknologi Malaysia This webinar opened ll Academic Staff Postgraduate Research Students. To participat receive Zoom link. please register: https://bit.ly/FaDiDS2021 https:/ bit.ly via zoom"