Ronald Coase, Economics, Nobel prize Laureate
Greetings from PGSS FCE ☺️
All UTM staff and students are cordially invited to our upcoming structured course “DATA SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY”, organized by the Postgraduate Student Society – Faculty of Civil Engineering (PGSS-FCE) with the collaboration of the School of Graduate Studies (SPS UTM).
*The course aims to: *
📌 To ensure that students are aware of the value of data science in the construction sector, particularly in terms of lowering risks and boosting efficiency.
📌 To examine potential study areas for the construction sector and the use of qualitative methods in research
The event details are as follows:
🧑🏼💼Speaker: Prof Madya Dr Noorminshah A. Iahad* (Head of Information & Service Systems Innovation Research Group)
📅Date: 18/07/2023 (Tuesday)
⏰Time: 10:00AM to 12:00PM | (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
💻Platform: Cisco Webex Meetings
Link: https://utm.webex.com/utm/j.php?MTID=md1fe628987d01ea9d74512e25a58ce25
Meeting number: 2519 098 4273
Password: FyjKKn4Mp34
Please enter via meeting number if the meeting link is not working.
Who should Attend:
📌 All students/staff, regardless of faculty, level of study, and institution are invited to this session!
📌 New and future postgraduate students.
🎁 UTM ACAD merit and e-certificate will be provided for participants.
Secure your seat using this pre-registration link:
For more information:
Primary Email: pgss@fkegraduate.utm.my
Instagram: https://instagram.com/pgssfceutm?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/18lU436LszA7dxcJjFr4WU