Archives for January 6, 2022

How To Write A Good Literature Review Chapter

Thank you, Dr. Kawthar Abdalla Mohammedahmed Bayoumi, for your intriguing and insightful sharing session on How To Write A Good Literature Review Chapter, virtually (live on Webex and PGSS Facebook) today from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Your knowledge sharing will undoubtedly assist students in organizing and writing their LR chapter! For today’s session, we, PGSS FSSH, received a lot of favorable feedback. We’d like to thank everyone who actively participated in the seminar and gave us constructive feedback.For your information, PGSS FSSH will host another structured course entitled “How To Manage Your Postgraduate Study” on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, at 2.30 p.m. You may register at Set your schedule and we’ll see you there! Subscribe to our Telegram Channel here: For any further inquiries, please contact us at you ?


Assalammualaikum w.b.t & Greetings,Please feel free to visit our students activities and training page at: for the session links. #pgssutm#spsutm#DNAUTM#IamUTM#fromstudentstostudents