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International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2023
Identifying Factors Influencing Organizational Leadership for Adequate Housing Delivery in Nigeria: A Delphi Survey Approach
David Ngwoke Mbazor, Clinton Ohis Aigbavboa , Wellington Didibhuku Thwala
Planning Approval Process: An Analysis of Property Developers’ Experiences in Southwestern Nigeria
Nathaniel Oluwaseun Ogunseye
Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effects on Social Life and Reflections on Spatial Preferences
Hilal Kahveci, Makbulenur Onur
Assessing the Influence of Anthropogenic Causal Factors on Landslide Susceptibility in Bukit Antarabangsa, Selangor
Amos Mafigiri, Mohd Faisal Abdul Khanan, Ami Hassan Che Din , Muhammad Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman
GIS-Based Vulnerability Analysis for Sustainable Fish Drying Cottage Industry in Southern Province, Sri Lanka
Githmi Abeysooriya, K.G.P.K. Weerakoon
Evaluation of Thermal Admittance of Compressed Earth Bricks C.E.B Configurations for School Buildings in Hot-dry climate region of North-western Nigeria
Sanusi Sani Maimagani, Roshida Abdul Majid , Leng Pau Chung