Assalamualaikum dan Salam UTM sanjungan bangsa.
Postgraduate Student Society Faculty of Science (PGSS FS UTM) are proudly announcing our E-Annual General Meeting (AGM 2021).
In conjunction with this event, we are welcoming the new members of the society and CALLING FOR CANDIDATES to fill the positions for the 2021/2022 session.
The positions open for the candidates are:
1. President
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Department Representatives (1 person/department)
5. Multimedia UnitAll the nominations,
interview session and announcement processes will be conducted via an online platform.
Please refer to poster for the flow of the selection process.
We encourage our excellent FS postgraduate students to nominate you and your friends as the potential candidates.
The nomination form can be retrieved in the QR code in poster or link below:
Don’t miss the chance to be the next committee member of our PGSSFS UTM!
Thanks and regards.
Team PGSS FS UTM 2020/2021