Coffee Session: Maintaining Laboratory Safety Throughout Research
All UTM staff and students are cordially invited to the upcoming Coffee Session “Maintaining Laboratory Safety Throughout Research”, which is organized by Postgraduate Student Society – Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (PGSS-MJIIT) in collaboration with Postgraduate Student Society – School of Chemical & Energy Engineering (PGSS-SCEE), Postgraduate Student Society – Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (PGSS-RFTI), and Postgraduate Student Society – Azman Hashim International Business School (PGSS-AHIBS), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
The event details are as follows:
???Speaker: Dr. Abd Halim Md Ali (MJIIT Senior Lecturer & Laboratory Manager)
?Date: 29/09/2022 (Thursday)
⏰Time: 11.00 am to 12.30 pm | (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
?Platform: Cisco Webex Meeting
Webex link: https://utm.webex.com/utm/j.php?MTID=me5865d65c5c72e923895eeede2543fd8
Meeting No.: 2512 419 4972
Password: cA3Hhx4wQK4
Register and grab a seat now by:
?Using the pre-registration link: https://forms.gle/FT85wsyNZ5immMmV7
Thank you and see you soon!!
PGSS MJIIT 2021/2022, PGSS SCEE 2021/2022, PGSS RFTI 2021/2022, & PGSS AHIBS 2021/2022
? UTM ACAD merit and e-certificate will be provided
? Follow us on Facebook
PGSS MJIIT: https://www.facebook.com/pgssmjiit/
PGSS SCEE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PGSSFCEE/
PGSS RFTI: https://www.facebook.com/UTM-PGSS-FTIR-344928983265442
PGSS AHIBS: https://www.facebook.com/UTMPGSSAHIBS/