Opening Ceremony (9.15 – 10.00 am)
Welcoming remarks by Dr. Norah Md N or, General Chair IGCESH 2022
Officiating speech by Prof. Sr. Dr. Hishamuddin Mohd Ali, Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic & International)
Keynote Session 1 (10.00 – 11.00 am)
Prof. Ts. Dr. Rose Alinda Alias
Head of the Information Service Systems Innovation (ISSI) Research Group
Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS), UTM
Title: Importance of Interdisciplinary Research in the Face of Post-Pandemic Challenges
Parallel Session 1 (11.15 – 12.50 pm)
1A: Engineering – Dr. Mohamad Hafiz Puteh
1B: Science and Technology – Ts. Dr. Naji Arafat Mahat
1C: Science and Technology – Chm. Dr. Sheela Chandren
1D: Social Sciences – Dr. Diyana Zulaika binti Abdul Ghani
Parallel Session 2 (2.00 – 3.35 pm)
2A: Engineering – Dr. Nor Alafiza binti Yunus
2B: Science and Technology – Dr. Mohamad Fadhli bin Rashid
2C: Social Sciences – Dr. Syed Muhammad Rafy Syed Jaafar
2D: Social Sciences – Dr. Siti Nisrin binti Mohd Anis
Congratulation to all presenters! and thank you to all secretariats and evaluators.
End of Day 1
Post-Graduate Student Society UTM (PGSS UTM)