Tea Gathering Edutech 201720182

Majlis meraikan kedatangan pelajar baru bagi program EduTech. Berkenalan di antara Pensyarah dan Pelajar bagi mengeratkan silaturrahum antara yang hadir.

Sumber gambar : Fuad Ahmad

More picture please visit : Fuad Ahmad Album (Edutech Tea Gathering 20172018/2)

Edutech Tea Gathering 20172018/2

Dear All Students (Master TC, MM, FR, & Phd)

Edutech Tea Gathering 20172018/2 as following:

Date: 5/3/2018 (TODAY)
Time : 230pm-4pm
Venue : Bilik Seminar

1. Certificate given ceremony for active participants in edutech colloquium 20172018/1
2. Certificate given ceremony for all presenters in edutech colloquium 20172018/1
3. Announcement of Schedule for Edutech Colloquium 20172018/2
4. Etc

Some of the pictures during th event: