It’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone involved in the hybrid mode UTM Thesis Template hands-on Workshop UTM Thesis Template hands-on Workshop held on the 19th February 2023. Hats off and a heartfelt thank you to the esteemed speaker Ts. Dr Wan Zuki Azman, (Senior lecturer from UniMap and also UTM alumni) for his insightful sharing and step by step guidance on using the UTM thesis template. The room was filled with a lot of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ as we learned new tips throughout the day. A big thank you to the committee who were a melting pot of minds and comradeship from four faculty PGSS UTM PGSS FBES, UTM PGSS FSSH, UTM PGSS FS and PGSS FME. Last but not least, our wonderful group of participants who attended the face-to-face workshop and online via Webex. You guys were great!
Stay tuned for more programs from PGSS!