Extended Reality (xR) encapsulates various computer-altered reality technologies that cover virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). xR is a technology that merges a virtual element into the real-world with the aims to enhance reality on the virtual world immerse onto real-world space. xR has been improved from time to time as the advanced immersive technologies to extend the reality we experience by either combining the virtual and real worlds or by generating a fully immersive experience. Remote collaboration in xR is a challenge since both parties need to have the same system and to set to parallel to xR environments. In a collaborative interface context, the user can be in a remote collaboration or face-to-face to sense the immersive environment. Human teleportation is transferring a human from a local location to a remote location, where the reconstruction of a human appears in a realistic visual representation. However, creating a fully realistic representation of the human figure need a complex 3D reconstruction method. Therefore, the paper describes the human teleportation in the xR environment using the advanced RGB-D sensor devices. It explains the phases to develop the real human teleportation in xR.
Read more : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/979/1/012005/pdf

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