Archives for January 2024

Hari Pendidikan Antarabangsa Keenam: Pembelajaran Untuk Keamanan

Hari Pendidikan Antarabangsa Keenam: Pembelajaran untuk Keamanan

Pembelajaran Demi Keamanan yang Berkekalan

Pembelajaran Demi Keamanan yang Berkekalan

Final Week of The Semester

Take a deep breath and exhale loudly—it’s a wrap!

After 15 weeks of lectures, we have concluded our learning journey. If you ask about my teaching philosophy, I would say, “I teach to inspire my students and, at the same time, to be inspired by them.” Embracing the digital generation, I have learned about various technological tools from them.

Yes, they belong to the digital generation as almost all of them bring a tablet to class.

During my time as a student, it was all about big screens, hefty CPUs, and a persistent memory of the word “motherboard” as it always seemed to be broken. I also remember using diskettes and CDs.

Reflecting on the semester, we have had engaging discussions, lively interactions, and enthusiastic presentations. Sometimes I treated them to meals and brought visiting professors to my lectures. Despite my old-school background, they have opened my mind to new technologies.

To my beloved students, the knowledge we have gained is meant for practical application, not just grades. I appreciate our time together, and I hope you have gleaned something valuable from my lectures. Know that I have learned a lot from each of you. Thanks for everything!

The picture depicts how we blended old-school style with technology. I asked them to create a mind map to summarise what they learned throughout the semester. Afterwards, they were required to share their sketch on Padlet.

Rencana Pertama Tahun Ini

Semalam, 1 Rejab 1445, rencana pertama saya untuk tahun 2024 disiarkan oleh Berita Harian.
Semoga bermanfaat

Tahniah Penerbit UTM Press dan Diri Sendiri

From Bump to Birth: Navigating Parenthood with STEM Insights (Part 1)

Anugerah Bintang Kota Buku (Buku Paling Laris)

Harapan Untuk Pendidikan 2024

Beberapa hari lepas, saya dihubungi oleh wartawan Utusan Malaysia bertanyakan tentang harapan saya untuk bidang pendidikan 2024. Beliau tak minta ayat-ayat panjang pun. Dalam 50-70 patah perkataan. Jadi ini harapan saya…

Selamat Datang 2024

Sempena menjelang tahun baru, azamku…

….. ingin menjadi seperti gunung. Tidak peduli apa yang diperkatakan orang kepadaku, tetapi berdiri dengan bangga dan berpegang teguh dan terus menjadi diri sendiri. Sepanjang mendaki, pastinya laluan berliku perlu ditempuhi, namun kepuasan menyerlah tatkala menjejak ke puncak.

Kendatipun, aku ingin menjadi seperti padi. Sejuk mata memandang dek kehijauannya. Di sebalik keindahannya, terkandung di dalamnya penuh isi, namun tetaplah menunduk dan merendah diri.

Selamat Datang 2024!