Somewhere in Aug, my son, Nasri aka Along aka Eli insisted that he wanted to attend his school’s prom night. And I asked him “any cost incurred?” He replied, “$75 for the entrance and $100 for the suit rental” Terbeliak bijik mata sekejap…”Ask ayah what he said about that…”, and dad said “Tak payah la pergi…bukan budaya kita pun…!” “But it’s my last year at school!”…Pening ibu ayah…
I spoke to my close friend, Frances about this…and she said…”oh…let him go, he’s 17. Let him do what he pleased! When my children attended their proms, they were even wilder!”
“But, it’s alright with you being kiwis, I dont know whether this is ok…”
“Oh..let him go, let him go…he’s a good boy…I’ve met him…”
So, in the end, the answer was a big YES from Ayah & Ibu….Nasri was overjoyed…We didnt even know whom he was going to ask out for the prom night…We left all the details to him. He went for a fitting at Dorsett suit rental and landed a suit for $100 for a night. Mahal giler!!!
Going for prom nights is really dear in New Zealand. You have to pay up for the rental of the suit & the boy needs to get a corsage too…(Nasib budak ni pandai saving sikit buat corasage utk date dia…)I dissuaded him from renting a suit but he said…”tunggu…nanti ibu tengok along hensem…” Okay, la…whatever as long as it’s not my money he’s using…Sometimes you might have to rent a limo to transport the couple to the ballroom. we didnt rent any! In his case, Rasyid was kind enough to be the couple’s chauffeur; that night. No limo, just my old Ruby.
And if your daughter is going to the prom, getting a dress is really expensive here. Then, there’s the hairdo and the make-up which you have to pay for if your daughter decides to go to a stylist. Here are some pics of Nasri’s prom night, some from my collection, and some from his FB.
The boys making corsages that morning
My once upon a time cute lil’boyand even cuter…
who has turned into a charming young man who plays music at school
Nasri Zuhaily on his prom night with his dateMy boy…
& his friends from school