An update of what we had for Iftar 3rd Ramadhan…
Hubby bought 6 pieces of kuih, and we had Ikan Patin masak lemak cili api tempoyak with Fried Bean Sprout with Ikan Masin.
On the 4th of Ramadhan, I was clueless, I did not know what to cook. It has been raining, so a good soup would do. I made us Beef Soup with lots of blackpepper. I found this recipe of Moroccan Chicken & Olives and decided to alter it.
Moroccan Chicken & Olives
Marinate Chicken pieces with ground ginger, ground garlic, ground cinnamon, salt and blackpepper. Leave it to rest for an hour.
Heat olive oil, and fry each chicken pieces until well cooked. Once done, fry in some onions. Mix well. Put in some lime juice and chicken broth (about half a cup). Let the mixture cook well. Finally add in olives. I used green and black olives.
Besides this dish, I decided to add in Ain’s favourite, the Rojak Tauhu to our Iftar Meal.
Rojak Tauhu
Taugeh- soak and hot water & drain.
For the gravy, I blend fried peanuts with cili padi, salt,sugar and kicap cap kipas.