1 large aubergine, sliced into thin rings
6 ripe tomatoes, sliced
a punnet of cherry tomatoes, halved
grated mozzarella cheese
feta cheese
parmesan cheese
plenty of olive oil
30g flour
300ml milk
Preheat oven to 200C.

Heat a griddle pan.
Dunk the slices of aubergine into a plate of olive oil so that it absorbs the oil on both sides, before frying on the very hot griddle plan on both sides until no longer hard. Set aside.
In a frying pan, fry the slices of tomatoes in butter & olive oil for about 5 minutes. Season with plenty of s&p and set aside.
In a saucepan, make the bechamel sauce. Melt 30g butter, mix in 30g of flour to form a paste, then add the milk little by little, mixing well to get rid of the lumps (I use a magiwhisk). Stir for about 5 mins until the milk thickens.
Take off the heat, add nutmeg, plenty of s&p, and plenty of grated mozzarella (you want this to be very thick, not runny).
Assemble in a Pyrex or ceramic oven dish: A layer of aubergines, A layer of white sauce, then a layer of tomatoes. Crumble over the feta. Repeat the procedure twice more. Try and finish with a layer of aubergines if poss.
Grate over plenty of parmesan and bake in the oven for 20/30 mins. Serve with a green salad w/ balsamic dressing.