The Johor Bahru Readers and Writers Festival hit a note in Medini Mall in May 2016. I did two workshops with young people: a creative poetry writing workshop and drama for the young people. Here are some pics of the workshops I conducted.
A teacher trainer by qualification, a second language specialist by profession, a researcher, a Drama Education specialist, a motivator, a traveller, a blogger, a dreamer and a creative artist who is drawn into passion in the things I do
The Johor Bahru Readers and Writers Festival hit a note in Medini Mall in May 2016. I did two workshops with young people: a creative poetry writing workshop and drama for the young people. Here are some pics of the workshops I conducted.
“A teacher trainer by qualification, a second language specialist by profession, a researcher, a Drama Education specialist, a motivator, a caring mum, a doting wife, a traveller, a blogger, a dreamer and a creative artist who is drawn into passion in the things I do”