All is well

Alhamdulillah, after 2 months of non weight bearing, making myself feeling slightly crazy not going to class, I am finally a-OK! Thumbs up! My specialist has given me the green light to walk again!


My 58th day post op. Dr yoga my ortho specialist said I am all good. I can start wearing my normal shoes.
“Can I start running doc?”
“Practice walking full weight bearing first…”

with kak @madiah_j who dropped by the hospital to meet me on the day i had an appointment with Dr Yoga. Kak Madiah was my school buddy when I was first posted teaching at a school in Pontian… Thank you dear kak for the honey from #foreverliving, mint plant and chocolates from langkawi..semoga murah rezeki hari jumaat!


Waiting for my turn from 1130 to 2pm at Colombia Asia Hospital. This was my last doctor’s visit! Yahoo!!