Celebrating in diversity

‘Chap Goh Mei’ is celebrated on the 15th night of Chinese New Year which also marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebration.

This year I thought it would be a good idea to celebrate it with the Chinese JKM leaders.

Here are some pics of our Chap Go Mei celebration last night.

With RED as our theme for the night Wai Yee suggested we have pot luck meals with yu sheng also known as the prosperity toss.

Thank You to my JKM leaders for organizing this potluck.

Great networking: KTR family

These are KTR 2018 fellow-council and student leaders. Check them out!


Our fellows


Our student leaders


During our proposal presentation event..the latest addition to the family!


During our team building


and more pics of us


During top-bidding presentation

Sayonara is not about good-byes!

We had a farewell party for some of the fellows who have left KTR. Dr Hafiz, Mr Roslan, Mr Din & Pn Farha. This was a pending project. We kept mentioning about the farewell in every meeting but never get to see it done.

But this time, I made sure we planned and executed our pending project. Thanks to Dr Beni & Mr Kip who managed to pull through.

(Makan and game time. Mentang2 dr yoga kata you da boleh jalan….apa lagi, tapi apa2 pun balik rumah terus sapu kaki dgn minyak sbb sakit punye pasal!)