My last Ramadhan in Hamilton, NZ

Thurs, Aug 12 2010 is the 1st Ramadhan this year. This post displays what we had & will be having 4 sahur & iftar….

Classic cheesecake

I have alwayzzz woved cheesecakes..and my first attempt at making cheesecakes was 2 years back. Well. it’s not difficult after all.

You need 4 eggs, 2 bars of creeme cheese ( I use Philadelphia Creme Cheese), caster sugar (about a cup), vanilla essence, & some lemon zest. Now, you can add in what ever you wish. If you like it plain, then that’s what you have…But I sometimes add apricot yogurt if I feel like making apricot cheesecake. Sometimes my kids crave for chocolate cheesecake, so that’s when cocoa powder comes in.

Once you have whizzed everything in, bake for 45 minutes.


We used to drive up to Auckland to get our hands on Dunkin Donuts.
Now, I just tried my hands on anything simple…and I think Donuts are just the easiest “snack” kids crave for. Thanks to the breadmaker, my cooking tasks are getting easier.

You need 3 cups of flour, 3 tbspn of vegetable fat, 3 tbspn of sugar, milk, yeast and some warm water. Easy pezzy