1 large aubergine, sliced into thin rings
6 ripe tomatoes, sliced
a punnet of cherry tomatoes, halved
grated mozzarella cheese
feta cheese
parmesan cheese
plenty of olive oil
30g flour
300ml milk
Preheat oven to 200C.

Heat a griddle pan.
Dunk the slices of aubergine into a plate of olive oil so that it absorbs the oil on both sides, before frying on the very hot griddle plan on both sides until no longer hard. Set aside.
In a frying pan, fry the slices of tomatoes in butter & olive oil for about 5 minutes. Season with plenty of s&p and set aside.
In a saucepan, make the bechamel sauce. Melt 30g butter, mix in 30g of flour to form a paste, then add the milk little by little, mixing well to get rid of the lumps (I use a magiwhisk). Stir for about 5 mins until the milk thickens.
Take off the heat, add nutmeg, plenty of s&p, and plenty of grated mozzarella (you want this to be very thick, not runny).
Assemble in a Pyrex or ceramic oven dish: A layer of aubergines, A layer of white sauce, then a layer of tomatoes. Crumble over the feta. Repeat the procedure twice more. Try and finish with a layer of aubergines if poss.
Grate over plenty of parmesan and bake in the oven for 20/30 mins. Serve with a green salad w/ balsamic dressing.

Ayam Terutuk Rafar

Resipi Ayam Terutuk Rafar
(berdasarkan ingatan tuan punya badan saja)
  • 4-5 ketul ayam (lumur garam & kunyit) digoreng garing
  • 2 senduk minyak masak (minyak kena banyak)
  • 1 biji bawang besar (belah 4)
  • 6 ulas bawang putih (cincang)
  • 1/2 senduk cili kisar
  • 1 batang serai (diketuk)
  • 1/2 senduk gula Melaka
  • 1/2 senduk kicap manis
  • 3 sudu besar kerisik
  • Segenggam bawang goreng
  • Garam secukup rasa
  • Sedikit lada benggala merah & hijau dipotong memanjang
  1. Tumiskan bawang besar, diikuti bawang putih & cili kisar.
  2. Bila dah garing, masukkan kesemua bahan yang lain (kecuali ayam & lada benggala). Kacau sebati hingga naik bau.
  3. Masukkan ayam dan gaul rata.
  4. Akhir sekali masukkan lada benggala. Masak sebentar sahaja kemudian boleh tutup api.

Strawberry Cheesecake

The recipe for my strawberry cheesecake is similar to my classic cheesecake. Because this cheesecake was baked in Summer, there were heaps and heaps of berries. Sometimes you just run out ideas trying to figure out what to do with the berries. I blended some berries and added them to my cheesecake, wallllaahh….here is my strawberry cheesecake!!

Nasi Minyak & the Gang

At times when I am really lost of ideas, I would just make the easiest meal of the day..that’s the nasi minyak. you don’t need too much of a hassle, as it comes with the ayam merah and acar. Thanks to mat Gebu for the recipe which I have adapted.

3 cwn beras (I use Jasmine)
1 cwn susu ( I use fresh milk)
4 camca besar minyak sapi or margarine
2 biji bawang besar, didadu
4 ulas bawang putih, dititik
2 inci halia, dihiris
1 batang kayu manis*
1 kuntum bunga lawang*
5 kuntum bunga cengkih*
3 biji buah pelaga*(*rempah tumis)
Garam secukup rasa

1/2 cawan fresh milk
1/2 cawan tomato puree
2 camca besar cili kisar
Garam dan gula secukup rasa
2 biji bawang besar*
4 ulas bawang putih*

Acar Mentah
1 biji timun, disagat
1/2 biji lobak merah, kupas dan sagat
1/4 bahagian kobis sederhana besar, hiris halus
1 biji bawang besar, hiris halus
2 biji cili merah, hiris halus
1/4 cawan cuka makan
Garam dan gula secukup rasa

Carrot cake with creme cheese topping

Shepperd’s Pie

Chicken Chop

Dah teringin nak makan chicken chop….so I asked hubby to cook chicken chop for us…
We had to choose the best part of the chicken for this meal…I dont actually know how hubby does it…but he used breadcrumbs, eggs, spices, for the coating of the chicken…

Apple Puffs

Great picture of apple puffs, huh?? Well, this is my tipu2 recipe…it’s just so easy. You can always buy the pastry puff sold at the supermarkets. But do be careful. Edmonds’ pastry puff may contain 471, which could be a source of animal fat and non-halal. So, I normally buy the Vegetarian Pastry Puff which makes baking easier.

For the filling, I blend apples with brown sugar and add a dash of cinnamon powder and some lemon zest. Let it cool before you start filling the puffs.

Beef Black pepper with capsicum

Apple Tarts

Asam Pedas Salmon

Asam Pedas is one of our favourite dishes. I decided to make salmon asam pedas which is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids & a great source of selenium as well!
While i am here, it feel that it’s best that i enjoy the rich sources of these rather than sonsuming capsules…

For my Asam Pedas recipe:
Belacan (Prawn paste)
Chili powder (Just too lazy to use Dried chillies)
Tamarind Juice
Water, Sugar, Salt

Cup cakes

Dough Karipap AS

I have endlessly & tirelessly made dough for my karipap but they never turned out right. A friend suggested I used ice cold water, another suggested this and that.
I finally opted using frozen KAWANKU roti prata for my dough, and my kids finally acknowledged that I am GREAT at making doughs. I tried As’ recipe for dough making 2 weeks back and my turned out all right. So here’s the recipe. Thanks As.

250g tepung gandum
2 sudu besar marjerin – panaskan
2 sudu besar minyak masak – panaskan
garam skit

Marble Cheese Brownies Recipe AS

250 g mentega
1 cawan serbuk koko
1/2 cawan susu cair
1 1/2 cawan gula halus
3 biji telur gred B
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum*
1 camca teh baking powder*
1 camca teh soda bicarbonate*(*digaul rata dan diayak)
1 camca teh esen vanilla

250 g cream cheese
1 cawan gula halus (as guna 3/4 cawan)
1 biji telur gred B
as tambah 1sdb lemon jus & 2 sdb fresh milk

1. Lenser tin berukuran (10 x 10 x 2) inci dengan mentega, alas dengan kertas minyak, biar kertas minyak terlebih dari tin. Lenser juga kertas minyak dengan mentega. Panaskan oven pada suhu 175C.
2. UNTUK BROWNIES :- Cairkan mentega (gunakan kaedah double-boiler) hingga cair, masukka serbuk koko dan kacau hingga rata. Kacau gula halus + telur dengan whisk hingga sebati. Masukkan ke dalam bancuhan koko + butter dan gaul rata. Masukkan susu cair, kacau rata. Tambah tepung sedikit demi sedikit sambil diadun hingga sekata. Tuang esen vanilla, gaul rata dan asingkan adunan ini lebih kurang 1 1/2 camca besar untuk dibuat corak atas cheese. Tuang selebihnya dalam loyang tadi, bakar 25 – 30 minit atau hingga brownies masak.
3. UNTUK CHEESE TOPPING :- Putar cream cheese dan gula hingga sebati, masukkan telur dan putar lagi hingga berkrim. Tuang atas brownies tadi dan ratakan. Isikan adunan brownies yang diasingkan tadi dalam piping beg, dan buat beberapa garisan lurus, kemudian lorekkan untuk mendapat hasil seperti dalam gambar. Sambung membakar selama 15 – 20 minit lagi atau hingga masak, biarkan betul2 sejuk, baru dipotong untuk dihidangkan…
CATATAN MAT GEBU :- Mat simpan brownies ni dalam peti sejuk selama 45 minit hingga 1 jam, tujuannya, bila kita potong, ia akan menghasilkan potongan yang cantik dan licin…