paroxysm \PAR-uh k-siz-uh m\ noun 1. any sudden, violent outburst; a fit of violent action or emotion: paroxysms of rage. 2. Pathology. a severe attack or a sudden increase … [Continue reading]


rollick \ROL-ik\ verb 1. to move or act in a carefree, frolicsome manner; behave in a free, hearty, lively, or jovial way. Quotes They decided to rollick off to a … [Continue reading]


stalwart \STAWL-wert\ adjective 1. firm, steadfast, or uncompromising: a stalwart supporter of the U.N. 2. strong and brave; valiant: a stalwart … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: Thunderstruck

thunderstruck \THUHN-der-struhk\ adjective 1. overcome with consternation; confounded; astounded: He was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion. 2. Archaic. struck by a … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: compunction

compunction \kuh m-PUHNGK-shuh n\ noun 1. a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse. 2. any … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: mutable

\MYOO-tuh-buh l\ adjective 1. given to changing; constantly changing; fickle or inconstant: the mutable ways of fortune. 2. liable or subject to change or alteration. Quotes ... we are all, I think, betrayed by those eyes of memory … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: apotheosis

\uh-poth-ee-OH-sis, ap-uh-THEE-uh-sis\ noun 1. the ideal example; epitome; quintessence: This poem is the apotheosis of lyric expression. 2. the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god. Quotes ... his favorite phrase … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: harum-scarum 

\HAIR-uh m-SKAIR-uh m, HAR-uh m-SKAR-uh m\ adjective 1. reckless; rash; irresponsible: He had a harum-scarum youth. 2. disorganized; uncontrolled. Quotes ... he warn't bad, so to say--only mischeevous. Only just giddy and harum-scarum, you … [Continue reading]

Word of the day: IGNOMINY

Ignominy \IG-nuh-min-ee, ig-NOM-uh-nee\ noun 1. disgrace; dishonor; public contempt. 2. shameful or dishonorable quality or conduct or an instance of this. Quotes Walking in the shadow of a dream, as it were, and perhaps actually under the … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: Bailiwick

Definitions for bailiwick a person's area of skill, knowledge, authority, orwork: to confine suggestions to one's ownbailiwick. the district within which a bailie or bailiff hasjurisdiction. … [Continue reading]

WORD OF THE DAY: opuscule

opuscule [oh-puhs-kyool] /ɒˈpʌskjuːl/ noun   1. a small or minor work. 2. a literary or musical work of small size. 3. (rare) a small or insignificant artistic work Derived Forms opuscular, adjective Word … [Continue reading]

Much Ado About Nothing

The Johor Bahru Readers and Writers Festival hit a note in Medini Mall in May 2016. I did two workshops with young people: a creative poetry writing workshop and drama for the young people. Here are some pics of the workshops I … [Continue reading]

Rest assured with a Takaful protection

Many people do not realize on the importance of early protection plan in cases of emergencies. I dont actually buy heavy premiums as I am afraid I wont be able to commit myself to paying monthly, but I guess at least I protection myself and my family … [Continue reading]

LSP International Conference 2016

UTM KL recently hosted Language for Specific Purposes Conference at UTM KL. I presented a paper on Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Literature Classroom. Here are some pics of me and my colleagues from JB who presented papers at the … [Continue reading]