Hachiko, anjing yang setia menanti di Stesen Keretapi Shibuya, menunggu tuannya Profesor Hidesaburo Ueno pulang dari kerja. Menunggu setiap hari, selama lebih dari 9 tahun (dari 21 May 1925 hingga 8 Mac 1935) sebelum dia ditemui mati di tepi jalan

The dog’s named Hachiko would meet Prof Ueno at Shibuya Station every day after his commute home. This continued untill May 21, 1925, when Prof Ueno died of a cerebral hemmorrhage while at work. From then till his death on March 8, 1935, Hachiko would return to Shibuya Station every day to await Ueno’s return

Reference :

Rekod jem paling teruk di dunia. Jem sepanjang 100km, kenderaan hanya bergerak 1km saja sehari, pengguna terkandas selama 12 hari, pada 14 Ogos 2010 di China National Highway 110 (G110).

World’s worst traffic congestion. The traffic jam slowed the thousands of vehicles for more than 100km. Cars moved at the speed of 1km per day, lasted for 12 days on China National Highway 110 (G110)

George Clooney bagi setiap seorang 1 bag yang berisi wang tunai 1 juta dolar kepada 14 orang kawan-kawanya. Katanya “mereka orang-orang yang tolong saya masa saya susah, sebelum saya dapat capai apa yang ada sekarang”

George Clooney gave 14 friends $1 million each in cash. He explained “these guy who’ve all, over a period 35 years, helped me in one way or another”

Reference :
By Emmie Martin, CNBC, Dec 17, 2020

Nigel Richard, beberapa kali menjadi juara Scrabble Championship dalam bahasa Perancis. Dia dari New Zealand mengambil masa 9 minggu menghafal semua perkataan Perancis tanpa boleh bertutur dalam bahasa yang dimenanginya

Nigel Richard, several times champions of the Scrabble Championship in French. He from New Zealand took 9 weeks to memorize all the French words without being able to speak the language he won

Mehran Karimi Nasseri, terperangkap, tidak boleh keluar, terpaksa menghabiskan hidupnya selama 18 tahun di terminal lapangan terbang di Perancis dari tahun 1988 – 2006 kerana masalah passport.

Mehran Karimi Nasseri living in Charles de Gaulle airport, France for 18 years since 1988 to 2006. A film titled The Terminal produced by Steven Spielberg bases of this true story and received $250,000 as inspiration for Dreamworks’ new film The Terminal but still sleeps on the plastic bench

Steven Spielberg menghasilkan filem ‘The Terminal’ dibintangi Tom Hanks berdasarkan kisah benar ini. Dia menerima 250,000 dolar dari Steven Spielberg sebagai ganjaran jalan cerita.
Soirce :
Majalah Mastika

Pada 2011 lelaki Brazil menyelamatkan seekor penguin yang hampir mati kerana tenggelam dalam minyak, sejak dibebaskan, pengguin itu akan berenang sejauh 8,000 km untuk menemuinya setiap tahun

In 2011 a Brazillian man, Joao Pereira de Souza, a 73 year old part-time fisherman, found a penguin covered in oil and close to death. He nursed him back to health and since then the penguin swims 5,000 miles to reunite with the man who saved his life

Setiausahanya terlambat kerana kereta rosak, bos ‘Apple’, Steve Jobs menghadiahkan sebuah kereta Jaguar dengan kata-kata “jangan lewat lagi” adakah kisah ini benar kerana tidak ditemui dalam biografi mengenai beliau

When a secretary at Apple was late because of car trouble, Steve Jobs gave her a Jaguar and said “don’t be late anymore”. Are sure this is a true story. This is not mentioned in any of his biographies

Sejak dibuka pada 1971, lebih 1.65 juta cermin mata hitam dikutip kerana ditinggalkan oleh pengunjung. Setiap tahun lebih 6,000 telefon bimbit, 3,500 camera digital, 18,000 topi dan 7,500 buku autograph. 400 – 500 barang tertinggal setiap hari (sekitar 210 adalah cermin mata sehari) disimpan di Disney World’s Lost and Found Department

Since Walt Disney World Resort opended in 1971, they’ve taken in over 1.65 million pairs of missing sunglasses. More than 6,000 cell phone, 3,500 digital cameras, 18,000 hats and 7,500 autograph books collected by Lost and Found Department. 210 pairs of sunglasses found every day

Leonid Rogozov, doktor Soviet yang buat pembedahan rawatan appendix ke atas diri sendiri

Leonid Rogozov, 27-years-old Soviet Doctor, on May 1st, 1961 performing surgery on himself to remove an infected appendix

– Pembedahan sakit appendix
– pada 1 Mei 1961
– dengan bantuan cermin
– Ketika dalam misi di Antarctica
– Berada di tempat terpencil yang mustahil untuk menunggu

RM185 juta harga 1 gallon bisa kala jengking. Ia adalah cecair termahal di dunia sebagai ubat antikanser, antiviral, ubat tahan sakit, menguatkan imun, antikulat & parasit,

$39 million per gallon cost for scorpion venom. It is the most expensive liquid in the world. Scorpion venom has a wide array of medical applications, from identifying tumors to treating malaria, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, Immunosuppressive, analgesic, anticancer and bradykinin potentiating

Reference :
National Library of Medicine

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RM181 trillion kos menghasilkan oksigen kepada penduduk bumi selama 6 bulan, tapi Allah jadikan pokok dan laut menghasilkannya secara percuma. “Maka nikmat tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?” 31 kali Allah ulang dalam surah Ar-Rahman

It costs 38 trillion dollars to create oxygen for 6 months for all human beings on earth. Allah’s technology is great, Trees do it for free. Then which of your Lord’s favours, will you ˹humans and jinn˺ both deny? 31 times god repeats this verse in Surah Ar-Rahman (Chapter 55)

Terakhir Jan 2022, sebelum tarikh itu, Gurun Sahara telah 5 kali turun salji. Pernah 30cm tebal, sedangkan hujan cuma 100mm setahun

Snowfall recorded in the Sahara Desert
1979, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 & Jan 2022. In 2018 up to 30cm in higher elevation areas. Sahara receiving 100mm of rainfall per year.

Reference :
Jasper Knight, Professor of Physical Geography, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Kopi – mencegah dan mengurangkan penyakit hati

Drinking coffee can prevent or slow the progression of liver disease in some patients.

Reference :


Mereka yang mengambil makanan pedas 6 atau 7 hari seminggu menunjukkan pengurangan risiko relatif 14% dalam jumlah kematian. Tingkatkan metabolism, cegah keradangan, lawan kanser & bunuh bakteria. “with. the permission of Allah”

those who consumed spicy foods 6 or 7 days a week showed a 14% relative risk reduction in total mortality


Spicy food associated with longevity benefits by lowered mortality rates by 14 percent, according to study by Harvard School of Public Health (2015) and China National Center for Desease Control and Prevention

Benefits :-


Speeds up metabolism²

Combat inflammation²

Fight cancer, Capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers, to slow and destroy cancer cells²

Cumin & turmeric is antimicrobial (Kill bacteria)²

¹Harvard School of Public Health (2015) and 
China National Center for Desease Control and Prevention


Ada bahagian kaki labah-labah tidak ada otot, ia bergerak menggunakan sistem hidrolik yang dijana dari tekanan darah, sebab itu bila labah-labah mati, kakinya akan bergulung kerana jantungnya tidak lagi mengepam darah dan sistem hidrolik tidak lagi beroperasi

There is a part of the spider’s leg that has no muscles, it moves using the hydraulic system powered by their blood pressure, that’s why when the spider dies, its legs will curl up because its heart is no longer pumping blood and the hydraulic system is no longer operating

Kenapa bas sekolah warna oren?

1. Warna kuning mudah dilihat pada waktu gelap berbanding merah

2. Saintis mengatakan warna kuning lebih cepat dikesan

3. Tulisan hitam ‘BAS SEKOLAH’ pada permukaan kuning lebih mudah dibaca dalam cahaya yang malap oleh pemandu lain terutama bila berhenti di tepi jalan untuk mengambil pelajar

Why school bus are Yellow?

1. Yellow more easily noticed in a dark environment, better than we see Red

2. We see Yellow faster than any other colour

3. Black lettering on yellow is easiest for driver to see in the darkness of early morning especially when stopping on the side of the road to pick up students

Kenapa jari mengecut dan berkedut bila terendam dalam air?

Allah menjadikan permukaan jari berkedut bila lama terendam di dalam air bagi membolehkan kita mudah berpaut pada sesuatu yang basah dan mengurangkan licin. Kesan kedut memberikan geseran yang lebih terhadap permukaan yang dicapai

Allah made the surface of the finger wrinkled when submerged in water for a long time to allow us to easily cling to something wet and reduce slippery

4 remaja perempuan dari Afrika mencipta generator yang boleh menghasilkan elektrik daripada air kencing yang diproses menjadi bahan bakar. 1 liter dapat menghasilkan 6 jam elektrik

Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator to produces electricity using urine as fuel. Six hours electricity using a single liter urine.

Craig Lewis, manusia pertama hidup tanpa degup jantung pada 2012. Dia menggunakan jantung tiruan yang tidak berdegup bertahan selama 5 minggu sebelum keluarganya meminta dimatikan jantung tersebut kerana kegagalan fungsi hati dan buah pinggang

Craig Lewis survived for another 5 weeks after used artificial heart with no beat. His family asked that his artificial heart be unplugged due to liver and kidney failure.

Hummingbird burung paling lapar di dunia, metabolism yang tinggi, perlu makan 77 kali ganda manusia, kadar denyut nadi 1,260 seminit dan 250 kali bernafas seminit

The hummingbird is the hungry birds in the world, one of the highest metabolic rates, food supply is equal to 77 times as much as most human eats, heart rates up to 1,260 beats per minute, breathing rate is about 250 breaths per minute even at rest.

Reference :
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (web site)

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