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TESLA, kereta elektrik dihasilkan oleh 2 jurutera, Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpenning. Mereka berjumpa Elon Musk selepas mendengar ucapan beliau di Standford University mencari dana untuk projek kereta elektrik

In 2001, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning met Elon Musk after hearing him speak at a Mars Society talk at Stanford University. Eberhard and Tarpenning is inventor for electrict car

Bonet depan boleh digunakan untuk mengisi barang

Betulkah kereta Steve Job tak ada nombor plat? Di California kenderaan baru, diberi tempoh 6 bulan untuk tidak memiliki no plat, jadi sebelum habis 6 bulan menggunakan sesebuah kereta, Steve Job akan membeli kereta baru. Itu undang-undang dulu, sekarang dipendekkan kepada 20 hari

Steve Jobs Never Had License Plates on His Car, but every six months he traded it in for a new one.  a loophole in the California vehicle laws.  Anyone with a brand new car had a maximum of six months to affix the issued number plate to the vehicle. has been shortened to 20 days

Nama asal beliau adalah Abdul Lateef Jandali
Read more :,plates%20fitted%2C%22%20writes%20Heath.

Ruang kosong berisi angin dalam bungkusan makanan ringan sebenarnya Nitrogen untuk mencegah makanan rosak, memanjangkan jangka hayat makanan dan sebagai pelampung mengelakkan makanan dari hancur ketika diangkut

Air in the snacks or chips packets are filled with nitrogen to preserves quality, slow down spoilage, extends the products’ shelf life and also cushions and protects delicate food inside the package from being crushed during handling

Adi Dassler, menubuhkan ADIDAS pada Aug 1949 dengan 47 pekerja, abangnya Rudolf Dassler menubuhkan PUMA pada Jan 1948 dengan 14 pekerja

Adi Dassler, founded ADIDAS in Aug 1949 with 47 employees, his brother Rudolf Dassler founded PUMA in Jan 1948 with 14 employees

They originally came from one factory, Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabrik, (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) in Herzogenaurach, Germany before respectively establishing ADIDAS (sister) and PUMA (brother).

Mereka asalnya dari satu kilang, Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabrik, (Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory) di Herzogenaurach, Germany sebelum masing-masing menubuhkan ADIDAS (adik) dan PUMA (abang)

Ada insuran untuk cover ‘hold in One’ dalam permainan golf bagi melindungi penganjur untuk menanggung kos jika ada peserta yang berjaya memasukkan bola dengan 1 pukulan. Di Jepun katanya ada insuran individu, takut member yang main dengan kita berjaya hold in one, kos nak bayar dia, insuran tanggung😁

There is insurance to cover ‘hold in one’ in the game of golf to protect the organizer to cover the cost of the player if the participant can successfully put the ball in with 1 shot

Kodak pernah difailkan bankrap pada 2012 kerana juruteranya Steven Sasson pada 1975 mencipta teknologi baru iaitu digital kamera yang berfungsi tanpa filem. Idea itu ditolak boss kodak atas kebimbangan jualan filem kodak akan menurun. Akhirnya teknologi menguntungkan Fujifilm dan Sony dan menjadikan Kodak bankrup

Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony

Setiausahanya terlambat kerana kereta rosak, bos ‘Apple’, Steve Jobs menghadiahkan sebuah kereta Jaguar dengan kata-kata “jangan lewat lagi” adakah kisah ini benar kerana tidak ditemui dalam biografi mengenai beliau

When a secretary at Apple was late because of car trouble, Steve Jobs gave her a Jaguar and said “don’t be late anymore”. Are sure this is a true story. This is not mentioned in any of his biographies

Di China, jika anda terperangkap dalam traffic jam, dengan bayaran $60, 2 orang akan datang ke kenderaan anda, seorang akan bawa kereta anda ke destinasi, seorang lagi akan hantar anda dengan motosikal

In China, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, for a fee of $60, 2 people will come to your vehicle, one will take your car to the destination, the other will send you by motorcycle

Netflix Lebih Tua Dari Google, Ketika Netflix Dilancarkan, Google Masih Belum Wujud, Netflix Menawarakan Kemudahan Menyewakan DVD Melalui Surat Menyurat

Before Google founded on Sept 4, 1998, Netflix was founded early on Aug 29, 1997 and is a DVD-by- mail service

Netflix ditubuhkan pada Aug 29, 1997, Google pada Sept 4, 1998

Mcd Drive Thru Asalnya Kemudahan Untuk Tentera Amerika Yang Tidak Boleh Meninggalkan Kenderaan Ketika Bertugas Di Kem Fort Huachuca, Arizona

In the past, drive-through facilities were provided for soldiers who could not leave their vehicles while on duty at Fort Huachuca Army Base

In 1937, Dick and Mac McDonald established the company named Airdome in California for selling hot dog. The founder of Burger King was inspired by the McDonald’s company.

Dick and Mac McDonald pada 1937 membuka gerai hot dog dengan nama Airdome di California. Pengasas Burger King mendapat ilham dari Syarikat Mcd

Wrigley Asalnya Menjual Sabun, Mereka Beri Percuma Baking Powder, Tetapi Baking Powder Pula Lebih Popular, Mereka Kemudian Menjual Baking Powder Dan Beri Percuma Chewing Gum, Apabila Chewing Gum Lebih Popular, Mereka Mula Menjual Chewing Gum

Wrigley Originally Sold Soap, They Gave Free Baking Powder, But Baking Powder Was More Popular, Then They Sold Baking Powder And Gave Free Chewing Gum, When Chewing Gum Was More Popular, They Started Selling Chewing Gum

Source :
majalah Mastika

Coca Cola Asalnya Dijual Di Jacobs Farmasi Sebagai Tonik Ubat Sakit Ringan Yang Mengandungi Kokain Oleh Dr John Pemberton


Coca ertinya Kokain,
dihasilkan dari daun Koka (Coca Leaves)

Pada 1930, Coca Cola telah menamatkan penggunaan daun coca

Daun Koka dikatakan dapat memberi tenaga, meningkatkan prestasi fizikal but there is no good scientific evident to support these uses

On May 8,1886, Atlanta Georgia

Dijual oleh Dr John Pemberton di Jacobs Pharmacy

Kadar jualan sekitar 9 gelas sehari in its first year

Sources: National Geographic &