Category Archives: Engineering / Kejuruteraan

Zaman Rom ada kolam air panas (Tepidarium) dan bilik panas (Laconicum), pekerja-pekerja bertarung nyawa mambakar kayu di bilik bawah tanah

In Roman era, there were warm water in the pool (Tepidarium) and hot rooms (Laconicum), workers fought for their lives burning wood in the basement.

Tepidarium = warm water in the pool

Laconicum = hot room

Source : BBC Earth

 Asal usul perkataan ‘Hello” ketika menjawab telefon. Dikatakan semasa Alexander Graham Bell mencipta telefon, dia akan cuba menghubungi tunangnya yang bernama Margaret Hello untuk menguji suaranya sampai atau tidak dengan memanggil nama tunangnya “Hello”. Sebenarnya fakta ini tidak tepat kerana isterinya bernama Mabel Gardiner Hubbard

Origin of the word ‘Hello’ when answering the phone. It is said that when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he would try to contact his fiancee named Margaret Hello to test whether his voice would reach or not by calling her fiancee’s name ” Hello”. Actually, this fact is not correct because his wife’s name was Mabel Gardiner Hubbard.

TESLA, kereta elektrik dihasilkan oleh 2 jurutera, Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpenning. Mereka berjumpa Elon Musk selepas mendengar ucapan beliau di Standford University mencari dana untuk projek kereta elektrik

In 2001, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning met Elon Musk after hearing him speak at a Mars Society talk at Stanford University. Eberhard and Tarpenning is inventor for electrict car

Bonet depan boleh digunakan untuk mengisi barang

Pada kedalaman 50m (164 kaki) ada kubur di dasar Tasik Pedu. Kubur ini yang akan timbul 4-5 tahun sekali. Pembinaan Empangan Pedu mengorbankan 15 buah kampung untuk membina tasik buatan pada tahun 1969

  1. Dalam daerah Padang Terap, Kedah
  2. Tasik buatan terbesar di Kedah
  3. Luas : 52km persedi
  4. Kemuncak air kering – Julai tahun tertentu
  5. Tujuan pembekalan air kepada petani Kedah, Perlis dan Pulau Pinang

At a depth of 50m (164 feet) there is a grave at the bottom of Lake Pedu. This grave will appear every 4-5 years. The construction of the Pedu Dam sacrificed 15 villages to build an artificial lake in 1969

Source : Majalah 3, TV3, Sept 2024

Tidak ada apple yang jatuh atas kepala Sir Isaac Newton, contoh dibuat supaya pelajar mudah faham, dia cuma mengkaji kenapa buah apple jatuh lurus tidak condong ke kiri atau ke kanan, terapung atau ke atas, kemudian membuat kesimpulan tentang graviti. Pokok tersebut masih ada hingga sekarang setelah 357 tahun

There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit actually landed on his head, but Newton’s observation caused him to ponder why apples always fall straight to the ground (rather than sideways or upward) and helped inspired him to eventually develop his law of universal gravitation.
Source :
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled apple tree. Coloured wood engraving.

Iconographic Collections
Keywords: Isaac Newton

Library reference: ICV No 12208
Photo number: V0011942
Full Bibliographic Record:

Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): CC-BY-4.0

Selepas 7 bulan perang Hamas-Israel, Pegawai PBB melaporkan kemusahan Gaza memerlukan 14 tahun untuk membersihkan 37 juta tan serpihan runtuhan bangunan jika 100 lori digunakan sehari. 70 Ribu bangunan musnah, 290 ribu rosak termasuk sekolah hospital, Gereja, Masjid dan tempat bersejarah. Rm188 billion kos baik pulih diperlukan (7 Okt 2023 – 3 Mei 2024)

After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)

Allah jadikan kucing lengkap dengan ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. Bila dia jatuh pada tinggi yang sesuai, terbalik macam mana pun masa dia jatuh, sebelum landing, badan dia akan dibetulkan, kepala di atas dan 4 kaki dia akan tegak ready untuk menahan di tanah.

Allah almighty made cats complete with ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. When it falls at the appropriate height, upside down or no matter how, at the time it falls, before landing, his body will be fixed, head up and his 4 legs will be upright ready to hold on the ground

2011, Bencana nuklear Fukushima, lebih 500 warga emas Jepun termasuk wanita, berumur lebih 60 tahun menjadi sukarelawan, membantu membersihkan kesan radioaktif. Kata mereka “Generasi kami yang membina loji ini, kami harus bertanggungjawab agar generasi akan datang selamat”. Warga emas bekorban untuk generasi muda.

During the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, over 500 Japanese seniors, all of them over age of 60, come to help clean up the radioactive zone.

They are all retirees, and they have all volunteered for a single, dangerous mission: to replace younger workers at the badly damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.

The Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima consists of more than 500 seniors who have signed up for a job that has been called courageous — and suicidal.

Kazuko Sasaki, a 72-year-old grandmother, is one of those ready to serve.
“My generation built these nuclear plants. So we have to take responsibility for them. We can’t dump this on the next generation,” she says.

Gempa bumi dasar laut bermagnitud 9.0 serta tsunami yang menyusulinya membawa kemusnahan besar sehingga 16,000 orang terbunuh dan ramai yang dilaporkan hilang.

Badai tsunami dahsyat itu yang mencapai ketinggian 15.5 meter menyebabkan kemusnahan besar pada Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Fukushima Daiichi 4,700MW yang terletak di pantai wilayah Fukushima dan menyebabkan sisa radioaktif merebak ke persekitaran.

Hari ini tempat yang terjejas kerana gempa bumi dan tsunami hampir pulih sepenuhnya. Sehinggakan kawasan yang terjejas kerana kesan radioaktif, di luar lingkungan 12 kilometer (km) dari reaktor Fukushima, kehidupan beransur pulih.
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Hamza Bendelladj, Remaja Algeria berumur 27 tahun pada 2015, menggodam lebih dari 1.4 juta komputer, dikatakan lebih 400 juta dolar dipindah ke Afrika dan Palastin, melibatkan 217 bank dan institusi kewangan Amerika.

Hamza Bendelladj, a 27-year-old Algerian (2015), hacked more than 1.4 million computers, allegedly transferred more than 400 million dollars to Africa and Palestine, involving 217 American banks and financial institutions.

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Kodak pernah difailkan bankrap pada 2012 kerana juruteranya Steven Sasson pada 1975 mencipta teknologi baru iaitu digital kamera yang berfungsi tanpa filem. Idea itu ditolak boss kodak atas kebimbangan jualan filem kodak akan menurun. Akhirnya teknologi menguntungkan Fujifilm dan Sony dan menjadikan Kodak bankrup

Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony

26 lorong lebuh raya paling lebar iaitu Katy Freeway di Houstan, Texas di US tetapi di China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, kenderaan yang berbaris untuk membayar tol menyebabkan 50 lorong terhasil

26 lanes of the widest expressway is the Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas in the US but in China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, vehicles lined up to pay tolls resulting in 50 lanes

Rubik Kiub, asalnya alat bantu mengajar, dicipta oleh Professor Erno Rubik, selepas dicipta, dia ambil masa sebulan untuk menyelesaikannya, rekod paling pantas 3.13 saat pada 2023 oleh Max Park

Professor Erno Rubik creating the Rubik’s Cube in 1974 as a teaching aid, he spent a month struggling to unscramble it. Max Park take’s 3.13 seconds to solve it in 2023

Kenapa bas sekolah warna oren?

1. Warna kuning mudah dilihat pada waktu gelap berbanding merah

2. Saintis mengatakan warna kuning lebih cepat dikesan

3. Tulisan hitam ‘BAS SEKOLAH’ pada permukaan kuning lebih mudah dibaca dalam cahaya yang malap oleh pemandu lain terutama bila berhenti di tepi jalan untuk mengambil pelajar

Why school bus are Yellow?

1. Yellow more easily noticed in a dark environment, better than we see Red

2. We see Yellow faster than any other colour

3. Black lettering on yellow is easiest for driver to see in the darkness of early morning especially when stopping on the side of the road to pick up students

4 remaja perempuan dari Afrika mencipta generator yang boleh menghasilkan elektrik daripada air kencing yang diproses menjadi bahan bakar. 1 liter dapat menghasilkan 6 jam elektrik

Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator to produces electricity using urine as fuel. Six hours electricity using a single liter urine.

Craig Lewis, manusia pertama hidup tanpa degup jantung pada 2012. Dia menggunakan jantung tiruan yang tidak berdegup bertahan selama 5 minggu sebelum keluarganya meminta dimatikan jantung tersebut kerana kegagalan fungsi hati dan buah pinggang

Craig Lewis survived for another 5 weeks after used artificial heart with no beat. His family asked that his artificial heart be unplugged due to liver and kidney failure.

12.262 km lubang paling dalam yang pernah digali, di Rusia pada 1989, dijangka 15 km dicapai pada 1993 tetapi gagal kerana suhu di situ sudah mencecah 182°C

Koba Superdeep Borehole reached 12,262 m in 1989, was expected to reach 15,000 m in 1993 but fail due to unexpected higher temperatur, 180°C in this depth location

Ahli matematik tamadun Babylon, meletakkan asas 60 berbanding 100, kesannya 60 saat = 1 minit, 60 minit = 1 jam. Jika tidak, no 1 tidak mewakili 5 minit, sebaliknya 8 minit, no 2 menjadi 17 minit, no 4 menjadi 33 minit. Semua nombor pada jam tidak boleh mewakili gandaan 5 minit

Ancient Babylonians did maths in base 60 instead of base 10. That’s why we have 60 minutes per hour

Sterile Cockpit adalah waktu kritikal semasa mengendalikan pesawat. Menjadi kesalahan dan boleh dikenakan tindakan jika pilot berbual sesuatu yang tidak berkaitan dengan pengendalian penerbangan

Sterile Cockpit is a critical phase when operating an aircraft. It is an offense and can be prosecuted if the pilot talks about something that is not related to the operation of the flight

Source :
Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic Channel