In Roman era, there were warm water in the pool (Tepidarium) and hot rooms (Laconicum), workers fought for their lives burning wood in the basement.
Tepidarium = warm water in the pool
Laconicum = hot room

Source : BBC Earth
In Roman era, there were warm water in the pool (Tepidarium) and hot rooms (Laconicum), workers fought for their lives burning wood in the basement.
Tepidarium = warm water in the pool
Laconicum = hot room
Source : BBC Earth
- Dalam daerah Padang Terap, Kedah
- Tasik buatan terbesar di Kedah
- Luas : 52km persedi
- Kemuncak air kering – Julai tahun tertentu
- Tujuan pembekalan air kepada petani Kedah, Perlis dan Pulau Pinang
At a depth of 50m (164 feet) there is a grave at the bottom of Lake Pedu. This grave will appear every 4-5 years. The construction of the Pedu Dam sacrificed 15 villages to build an artificial lake in 1969
Source : Majalah 3, TV3, Sept 2024
In 1967 it rained continuously in Kelantan for 10 days
source : Astro Awani
Ice cream was invented by the ancient Chinese, brought to Italy by Marco Polo, to France by Catherine de Medici, and thence to America by Thomas Jefferson
Iced drinks and desserts have been around since at least 4000 B.C., when nobles along the Euphrates River built icehouses to take the edge off the Mesopotamian summer heat
There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit actually landed on his head, but Newton’s observation caused him to ponder why apples always fall straight to the ground (rather than sideways or upward) and helped inspired him to eventually develop his law of universal gravitation.
Source : Wikipedia Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled Title Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled Description Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled apple tree. Coloured wood engraving. Iconographic Collections Keywords: Isaac Newton References Library reference: ICV No 12208 Photo number: V0011942 Full Bibliographic Record: http://catalogue.wellcomelibrary.org/record=b1175740 Source/Photographer https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/obf_images/29/64/a7f8add652e00a26a045c65860e0.jpg Gallery: https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/image/V0011942.html Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): https://wellcomecollection.org/works/h23ngyzc CC-BY-4.0
Chopsticks were used for cooking tool in Ancient Greece
Dubai Miracle Garden is the largest natural flower garden in the world. It has more than 150 million flowers.
After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)
Samsung means three stars in Korean.
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak Korean, English, French, German and Japanese.[5]
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
The record for the longest breath hold, 24 minutes 37 seconds was recorded in the Guinness World Records by Budimir Šobat from Croatia. If you hold your breath for that long, maybe tomorrow morning the whole family and friends will come to your house
The roots of soy sauce are in China
Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony
Salary comes from the Latin word salarium, which also means “salary” and has the root sal, or “salt.” In ancient Rome,
Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt
Ada mengatakan dia mempunyai kawan baik, iaitu pembekal tali gantung, yang membuat simpulan untuk menyelamatkan dia
Maggie Dickson was sentenced to death by hanging, after being hanged, she still alive.
As the sentence of the court has been carried out, Maggie was beyond further prosecution. She lived for another 40 years
Reference : Undiscoverd Scotland
Carbon Dating tests show that the Greenland Shark is up to 512 years old. It means that it exists since the year 1505
Novel ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’ diterbitkan oleh Scott O’Dell. Dia dikata tertinggal kapal kerana pergi mencari anaknya untuk dibawa bersama ketika dalam proses pemindahan penduduk pulau tersebut
Juana Maria, left behind during an evacuation, lived alone in San Nicholas Island for 18 years. A novel titled ‘Island of the Blue Dolphin’s (1960) by Scott O’Dell is based on this story.
In Egyption Desert in Wadi Al-Hitan, Whale fossil found estimated aged about 43 million years old
World’s worst traffic congestion. The traffic jam slowed the thousands of vehicles for more than 100km. Cars moved at the speed of 1km per day, lasted for 12 days on China National Highway 110 (G110)
Mehran Karimi Nasseri living in Charles de Gaulle airport, France for 18 years since 1988 to 2006. A film titled The Terminal produced by Steven Spielberg bases of this true story and received $250,000 as inspiration for Dreamworks’ new film The Terminal but still sleeps on the plastic bench
Steven Spielberg menghasilkan filem ‘The Terminal’ dibintangi Tom Hanks berdasarkan kisah benar ini. Dia menerima 250,000 dolar dari Steven Spielberg sebagai ganjaran jalan cerita.
Soirce : Majalah Mastika
Leonid Rogozov, 27-years-old Soviet Doctor, on May 1st, 1961 performing surgery on himself to remove an infected appendix
– Pembedahan sakit appendix
– pada 1 Mei 1961
– dengan bantuan cermin
– Ketika dalam misi di Antarctica
– Berada di tempat terpencil yang mustahil untuk menunggu
Abdul Qasisinm The Great Vizier of Persia (who live in the 10th century), owned 110,700 volumes of books were transported by 400 camels. The books and camel were arranged in alphabetical order.
Rudolf Diesel committed suicide in 1913 because he didn’t think his Diesel engine invention would be successful
$7.5 million to build
$200 million for the movie
Source : National Geographic History Channel
The world’s oldest medical profession is dentistry as early as 7,000 B.C
Ancient Babylonians did maths in base 60 instead of base 10. That’s why we have 60 minutes per hour
The Istana Nurul Iman is the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei, with 1,788 rooms ¹ , 257 bathroom. Hofburg Palace in Austria with 2,600 rooms
Sources : ¹Majalah Mastika
in the 1830, tomato ketchup was sold as a medicine for treatment diarrhea, indigestion dan jaundice
When the ship sinks, Chief Engineer, 30 engineers, 2 boilermakers, plumber & clerk, no one is safe. They are on duty to ensure that all systems work to allow passengers escaped.
Before Google founded on Sept 4, 1998, Netflix was founded early on Aug 29, 1997 and is a DVD-by- mail service
Netflix ditubuhkan pada Aug 29, 1997, Google pada Sept 4, 1998
Wrigley Originally Sold Soap, They Gave Free Baking Powder, But Baking Powder Was More Popular, Then They Sold Baking Powder And Gave Free Chewing Gum, When Chewing Gum Was More Popular, They Started Selling Chewing Gum
Source : majalah Mastika
In 2007 Scientists Succeeded In Turning On A Light Without Using Wires Within 7 Feet Of A Power Station But Nikola Tesla Was Said To Do It 4 Miles Away In 1901
Source : History Channel
Ceramic Port Battery is 2,000 years old battery found in Baghdad, 1.5-2 volts
Di dalam jar seramik, dipasang rod iron, copper cylinder dan lain-lain
Di panggil ‘Baghdad Battery’, adalah yang tertua di dunia ¹
Malangyar artifak ini hilang selepas kedatangan tentera US ke Iraq ketika Perang menjatuhkan Saddam Hussein pada 2003²
Unfortunately this artifact was lost after the arrival of US troops in Iraq during the War that overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003²
Source : ¹Panasonic Energy website ²Wikipedia
Cindai is a Malay Traditional woven made out of the fibers of selected herbal medicinal plants. It is effective in treating wounds and is an antimicrobial equivalent to antibiotics.
Suatu masa dulu, orang ramai tidak yakin untuk menaiki pesawat
Flight attendants are originally nurses to calm passengers in an ere where people are afraid to board planes
Source : History Channel
In the past, airplanes were restricted to carrying letters due to people’s apprehension about flying.
Source : History Channel
Thomas Edison experimented with 1,600 materials to obtain long-lasting filaments, and one of them was his friend’s beard.
Source : Seriuosly Amazing Objects, Global Trekker Channel
Roman women were legally married at the age of 12
source : Colosseum, History Channel
(ketika artikel ini ditulis)
The largest roundabout in the world is located in Putrajaya
Built in 1997
Dibina pada 1997
Sekitar 3.4Km panjang²
3.4km long
Mengandungi 15 entry/exit point²
Saiz bulatan hampir menyamai keluasan 100 padang bola sepak¹
It is almost as big as the area of 100 football fields¹.
sources : ¹History Channel ²The Star
Perak Man rangka berusia 10,000 – 11,000 tahun
– Tertua di Malaysia
– Di Lembah Lenggong, Hulu Perak
Perak Women berusia 8,000 tahun
Penang Women berusia 5,000 tahun
– Di Guar Kepah, Bumbung Lima, Kepala Batas
– Telah dikaji pengkaji barat sejak 1863 – 1936
– 41 rangka dibawa pulang dari Belanda sebelum ini tersimpan di Collection Centre Netherlands
Abdul Manaf Moyang Rasulullah SAW (Datuk kepada Abdul Mutallib) Abdul Mutallib Datuk Rasulullah SAW Nama Abdul lain yang bukan nama Allah dalam salasilah besar Rasulullah SAW 1. Abdul Uzza Uzza ialah nama berhala 2. Abdul Syams Syams bermakna Matahari
Berasal dari pinggir Kota Zlin, Czechoslovakia
The company was establised on September 21, 1894
Pengasas adalah 3 adik beradik iaitu Tomas, Anna dan Antonin Bata
Source :
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