
In Roman era, there were warm water in the pool (Tepidarium) and hot rooms (Laconicum), workers fought for their lives burning wood in the basement.
Tepidarium = warm water in the pool
Laconicum = hot room



Source : BBC Earth
In Roman era, there were warm water in the pool (Tepidarium) and hot rooms (Laconicum), workers fought for their lives burning wood in the basement.
Tepidarium = warm water in the pool
Laconicum = hot room
Source : BBC Earth
Nissan has developed robotic office chairs that tidy themselves away when people clap their hands
In 2008, a dead mosquito blood inside of a stolen car ‘helps’ Finland police identifies the thief. They tested the blood from the mosquito’s last meal and succesful used it to identify the thief
read more : BBC News Channel
Origin of the word ‘Hello’ when answering the phone. It is said that when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he would try to contact his fiancee named Margaret Hello to test whether his voice would reach or not by calling her fiancee’s name ” Hello”. Actually, this fact is not correct because his wife’s name was Mabel Gardiner Hubbard.
In 2001, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning met Elon Musk after hearing him speak at a Mars Society talk at Stanford University. Eberhard and Tarpenning is inventor for electrict car
Bonet depan boleh digunakan untuk mengisi barang
2 orang (Nando Parrado & Roberto Canessa) berjaya sampai ke satu perkampungan di Chili untuk mendapatkan bantuan selepas menempuh perjalanan 61km, selama 10 hari, termasuk terpaksa mendaki puncak gunung setinggi 4,650m (lebih tinggi dari Gunung Kinabalu 4,095m) bayangkan tanpa sebarang peralatan mendaki.
Terkandas 13 Oktober – 23 23 Disember 1972
Pencarian gagal kerana kawasan terlalu luas
16 orang selamat dari 45 penumpang
Source :
La sociedad de la nieve
The McLarent F1 engine is coated with a layer of gold foil to reduce engine heat
Air in the snacks or chips packets are filled with nitrogen to preserves quality, slow down spoilage, extends the products’ shelf life and also cushions and protects delicate food inside the package from being crushed during handling
A strand of cottom candy is actually thinner than a strand of human hair
UAE has proposed a futuristic project to build a subsea rail connection to India (Mumbai) with plans for completion by the end of 2030
An 18-year-old girl from India lost both hands after being hit by a bus. She received an arm transplant from a man with darker skin, larger arms and hairy arms. By the power of Allah, the difference disappeared after a few years, when the skin of the arm turned into the color of this teenager’s skin and shrank in size to fit his body.
A strand of cotton candy is thinner than a strand of human hair. This idea is helping scientist ceate artificial blood vessels
Samsung means three stars in Korean.
Allah almighty made cats complete with ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. When it falls at the appropriate height, upside down or no matter how, at the time it falls, before landing, his body will be fixed, head up and his 4 legs will be upright ready to hold on the ground
Russia announced close to creating cancer vaccines
Kleenex tissues were originally intended for gas masks
Astronauts wash their hair using shampoo that does not need to be rinsed with water. This shampoo was originally developed to clean the hair of hospital patients who shouldn’t take showers.
The paint, which splashes back on the person when they urinate on it, The estminster City Council, London, has spent £950,000 a year cleaning up after a spike in incidents since lockdown ended.
Reference : BBC News
Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony
First camera digital by Steven Sasson in Dec 1975, it weighed 3.6 kg, 0.01 megapixels that took 23 seconds to process per image.
On April 13, 2029, an asteroid around 340m (1,100 feet) in size will pass extremely close to the earth and we can observed with the naked eye
Roads in Sweden have a lane, electrified road to charge electric vehicles passing through will be charged while being driven
1. Warna kuning mudah dilihat pada waktu gelap berbanding merah
2. Saintis mengatakan warna kuning lebih cepat dikesan
3. Tulisan hitam ‘BAS SEKOLAH’ pada permukaan kuning lebih mudah dibaca dalam cahaya yang malap oleh pemandu lain terutama bila berhenti di tepi jalan untuk mengambil pelajar
Why school bus are Yellow?
1. Yellow more easily noticed in a dark environment, better than we see Red
2. We see Yellow faster than any other colour
3. Black lettering on yellow is easiest for driver to see in the darkness of early morning especially when stopping on the side of the road to pick up students
Von Braun Station, will be turned into a space hotel in the future
Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator to produces electricity using urine as fuel. Six hours electricity using a single liter urine.
Selwa Hussain, the women from London, who carries her 6kg artificial heart in a backpack contain blood pumping motor supported 2 batteries
Wanita dari London ini menggunakan jantung tiruan (pengepam darah berkuasa bateri)
Rudolf Diesel committed suicide in 1913 because he didn’t think his Diesel engine invention would be successful
A woman’s Apple Watch allowed her to call 911 save her after was allegedly buried alive by her husband
She is Young Sook An
on Sunday
October 16, 2022
Location, Washington, US
$7.5 million to build
$200 million for the movie
Source : National Geographic History Channel
Koba Superdeep Borehole reached 12,262 m in 1989, was expected to reach 15,000 m in 1993 but fail due to unexpected higher temperatur, 180°C in this depth location
Photodynamic Therapy has revealed an unexpected side effect, patients can see better at night a slight level of night vision
The longest tunnel in the world is 57km, it took 17 years to build in Switzerland, second Japan 53.85 and France/UK 50.43km
in the 1830, tomato ketchup was sold as a medicine for treatment diarrhea, indigestion dan jaundice
Blue lights installed at the train platform in Japan, believed to reduce the rate of suicides
Japan sets the record for the fastest internet in the world, a speed of 319 terabits per second. You can download 50,000 movies in 1 second
iPAD introduced by Fujitsu, in 2002, Apple paid US$4 million to purchased the trademark right from Fujitsu in March 17, 2010
Sterile Cockpit is a critical phase when operating an aircraft. It is an offense and can be prosecuted if the pilot talks about something that is not related to the operation of the flight
Source : Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic Channel
Scientist at Oxford University claimed, students scored higher on mental arithmetic or maths, after a course of gentle electric shocks to the brain
Pelajar terlibat mencatatkan prestasi tinggi dalam matematik
sources : The Guardian Reuters
Qatar uses blue roads to reduce heat radiating from the asphalt
When the ship sinks, Chief Engineer, 30 engineers, 2 boilermakers, plumber & clerk, no one is safe. They are on duty to ensure that all systems work to allow passengers escaped.
Before Google founded on Sept 4, 1998, Netflix was founded early on Aug 29, 1997 and is a DVD-by- mail service
Netflix ditubuhkan pada Aug 29, 1997, Google pada Sept 4, 1998
The KLCC tower can sway 625mm , while the skybridge can move 25cm.
Struktur-struktur ini sebenarnya tidak bersambung antara satu sama lain
source : ¹History Channel
Ceramic Port Battery is 2,000 years old battery found in Baghdad, 1.5-2 volts
Di dalam jar seramik, dipasang rod iron, copper cylinder dan lain-lain
Di panggil ‘Baghdad Battery’, adalah yang tertua di dunia ¹
Malangyar artifak ini hilang selepas kedatangan tentera US ke Iraq ketika Perang menjatuhkan Saddam Hussein pada 2003²
Unfortunately this artifact was lost after the arrival of US troops in Iraq during the War that overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003²
Source : ¹Panasonic Energy website ²Wikipedia
A day on Venus = 243 earth days
A year on Neptune = 165 earth years
Sehari di Jupiter = 10 jam di bumi
A day on Jupiter = 10 earth hours
Setahun Di Mercury = 88 hari di dunia
A year on Mercury = 88 earth day
Dan mereka meminta kepadamu (Muhammad) agar azab itu disegerakan, padahal Allah tidak menyalahi janji-Nya. Dan sesungguhnya sehari di sisi Tuhanmu adalah seperti seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.
Surah al-Hajj ayat 47 (22:47)
Dia mengatur segala urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya (lamanya) adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.
Surah As-Sajdah ayat 5 (32:5)
Cindai is a Malay Traditional woven made out of the fibers of selected herbal medicinal plants. It is effective in treating wounds and is an antimicrobial equivalent to antibiotics.
Brass is not only resistant to rust, but it also eliminates bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, and fungi, making it safe for health.
To prepare traditional food that is safe and healthy, Malay people use it as a mold.
Suatu masa dulu, orang ramai tidak yakin untuk menaiki pesawat
Flight attendants are originally nurses to calm passengers in an ere where people are afraid to board planes
Source : History Channel
In the past, airplanes were restricted to carrying letters due to people’s apprehension about flying.
Source : History Channel
The black box is actually orange in color.
Source : Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic
Thomas Edison experimented with 1,600 materials to obtain long-lasting filaments, and one of them was his friend’s beard.
Source : Seriuosly Amazing Objects, Global Trekker Channel
Before becoming charcoal, mangrove trees undergo a 30-day burning process.
Kuala Sepetang, Perak adalah pengeluar Arang Batu terbesar di Asia
Selepas 30 hari, api akan dipadamkan, relau akan dibiarkan 10 hari tanpa api sebelum arang kayu ini dikeluarkan, pun begitu bahang panasnya masih dapat dirasai
Read more : https://mohdshahrizanmohdsaad.wordpress.com/2014/03/27/arang/
Ia terdiri daripada kapal angkasa, serpihan roket, satelit-satelit dan lain-lain
20,000 object floating in space
pada tahun 2023
Source: Discovery Science Channel
Di Yangshan Port, Shanghai, Automated Guide Vehicle (AGV), pengangkut container tanpa pemandu sudah beroperasi
Di Port Of Hamburg Germany, mulai tahun 2018, pembawa container tanpa pemandu juga telah beroperasi¹
dengan 20,000 transponder dipasang dipasang mengikut grid¹
Source : ¹National Geographic
Lahir pada tahun 780
wafat pada tahun 847
Algorithm juga mengesan apa yang anda taip dalam internet dan akan mencadangkan iklan yang sesuai dengan apa yang sedang anda cari
Di Rotterdam Netherlands kapal tanpa pemandu sedang dibangunkan¹
Semua asas sistem ini dibangunkan oleh al-Khawarizmi yang dikenali sebagai algoritma ²
Source : ¹National Geographic ²Brittanica
Apa guna mata ini?
Nilai mata yang tinggi, menunjukkan :
– Moral yang baik
– Akhlak yang terpuji
– Kebolehpercayaan
– Integrity
– Discipline
Kesannya :
– Bank mudah beri pinjaman
– Wanita / lelaki suka jadikan pasangan
– Majikan senang ambil bekerja
– Mendapat diskaun dari kedai tertentu
– Ganjaran dari kerajaan dengan pelbagai
kemudahan dan peruntukan disediakan
Mata rendah menunjukkan:
– Moral yang buruk
– Akhlak yang yang dibenci
– Sikap tidak boleh dipercayai
– Tiada integrity
– Tiada discipline
Kesannya :
– Bank khuatir memberi pinjaman
– Majikan bimbang untuk ambil bekerja
– Wanita/Lelaki takut jadikan pasangan
– Sebagai denda, kerajaan susah meluluskan apa-apa permohonan
570 juta camera dijangka akan dipasang, menjadikan rangkaian CCTV terbesar di dunia
Source : Discovey Asia
Mempunyai 2 lapis padang
1 lapis rumput untuk padang bola sepak
dibawahnya terdapat
1 lapis lagi untuk padang ragby dan NFL. ¹
Sistem akan menukar padang mengikut kegunaan
Menelan belanja 1 billion Pound Sterling.² (kira-kira RM5.47 billion pada masa artikel ini ditulis)
Sources : ¹Discovery Channel ²theathletic.com tottenhamhotspur.com
Dibina agar tidak boleh dikesan Radar Soviet
Hanya ada 21 buah
Only 300 pilots qualified to fly the B-2 bomber
Guam, Andersen Air Force Base, Feb 23, 2008
Gagal terbang dan musnah terbakar
Akibat Flight Data Computer Failer
Lead to faulty data
Both crew members were successfully ejected
Source: National Geographic, Air Crash Investigation