A Warm Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH)From All FSSH Staff

FSSH introduction video : To all new students for the 2021/2022 session:A Warm Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH)From All FSSH Staff

Pengenalan FSSH kepada pelajar baharu sesi 2021/2022 UTM

Video pengenalan FSSH kepada pelajar baharu sesi 2021/2022. Selamat maju jaya kepada semua dari seluruh warga FSSH UTM.

Neurodiversiti dan Pendidikan Inklusif

Assalamualaikum wr. wbt./ Selamat Sejahtera,Usaha merealisasikan Dasar Inklusif Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) di Institut Pengajian Tinggi

?️ Ahad, 10 Oktober 2021

⏰ 3.00 ptg – 4.00 ptg?


Facebook Live(https://www.facebook.com/Language Academy.UTM)Semua staf UTM adalah dijemput untuk hadir. Terima kasih.


Alhamdulilah Tiga Award Satu Majlis

Alhamdulilah tiga award dalam satu majlis, walaupun bekerja dari rumah, dengan melayan anak-anak 3DS, syukur mendapat penghargaan ini, terima kasih keluarga yang selalu sokong, dekan fssh, rakan-rakan pejabat, dan semua yang membantu untuk mencapai ke tahap ini. Semoga Dayana lebih Semagat untuk buat lebih untuk Student dan Kajian lepas ni.

2020 Appreciation Ceremony is organised to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our belove academic and non-academic staff

Promo Video : We at FSSH, greatly appreciate the outstanding achievements of our staff. 2020 Appreciation Ceremony is organised to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our belove academic and non-academic staff.We cordially invite all, especially our staff members and our students to join the celebration. Seeya there!


live on fb

English language education and communication in Malaysia and Asia

Language Academy, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and KLC will be conducting a two-day online workshop on

English language education and communication in Malaysia and Asia

as well as uncovering the latest CEFR. The event details are as follows:

Title: ?Online Workshop: English Connect

Date: ? 16 & 23 October 2021 (Saturday)

Time: ⏰ 2.00 p.m-5.00 p.m (GMT +8)

Speaker | Tittle:

?️ Professor Dr. Zuraidah bt Mohd Don | English Language Education of International Standard – What it means and How We Get There & Common European Framework of Reference: Its Purpose and Relevance

?️ Jacelyn Tan | The English Language Dilemma in Asia

?️ Mr. Dharmalingam Vinasithamby | Effective Communication: Workplace English


? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanita Hassan? Nur Shiqah Hasngadon

Venue: ? Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities UTM Facebook Live? Language Academy UTM Facebook Live? KLC English Education Malaysia Facebook Live✅ Free online workshop✅ E-certificate will be givenHurry up! Register on: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeCYhioqok…/viewform…

Semua warga FSSH dijemput menghadiri Mesyuarat Fakulti 2/2021

Semua warga FSSH dijemput menghadiri Mesyuarat Fakulti 2/2021
Tarikh : 5.10.2021 Masa: 2.30pm
Link : https://utm.webex.com/join/fss1.webex

Majlis Apresiasi FSSH 2020

Majlis Apresiasi FSSH 2020 3 hari lagi

Bengkel Pemantapan ICT bersama Guru-Guru SMK Taman Universiti 1 dan 2

Tonton Video Program di sini : https://youtu.be/MbsijJHGSWA

Program Perkongsian Ilmu Staf PPP FSSH 2.0 Siri V

Program Perkongsian Ilmu Staf PPP FSSH 2.0 Siri V

akan diadakan seperti butiran berikut :CAMPING : EXPLORE THE NATURE

?️ *5 Oktober 2021 (Selasa)*

*Masa : 9.15 pagi**

Penceramah : Puan Idawaty Mohd Ramli**Moderator : Puan Hasnah Mohd Amin*? Pautan : https://utm.webex.com/join/fss1.webex / Fbook Live : HumanitiesJom santai sambil berkongsi hobi.Terima kasih ?