Are you in the middle of writing your thesis or proposal defense but have difficulties in understanding the UTM thesis template? This is for you!!
School of Postgraduate Studies with collaboration of Postgraduate Student Society (PGSS) MJIIT, RFTI & AHIBS will conducting UTM Thesis Template Virtual Workshop this upcoming 14th of June 2023 for all postgraduate students. Don’t miss this fruitful session from our honorable speaker, Associate Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Liew Peng Yen.
Details of the program are as follows:
📅 Date : 14th June 2023
🧿 Day. : Wednesday
⏰ Time : 10:30am – 12:30pm
💻 Webinar Platform : WEBEX
Meeting number: 2517 859 5154
Password: mwP42eActE2
Kindly click the link below for registration,
📝 https://forms.gle/ptK6jqoTsdwdXUvG6
We hope to see you on board! ✌🏻