PhoneGap PHP MySQL example

Step By Step Guide: MySQL Database Creation Writing PHP code for Serverside Writing Jquery code for PhoneGap / Apache Cordova side 1. Connecting Database Server (db.php) <?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); $con = … [Continue reading]

What is the difference between const int*, const int * const, and int const *?

Read it backwards (as driven by Clockwise/Spiral Rule): int* - pointer to int int const * - pointer to const int int * const - const pointer to int int const * const - const pointer to const int Now the first const can be on either … [Continue reading]

Questions about VR, AR and MR

** this questions are being discussed with my students during the Real-time Computer Graphics course. What is 6DOF VR? How to develop in mobile HMD such as using mobile VR headset with controller? 3 degrees of freedom: pitch, yaw, and roll. … [Continue reading]

Collision Detection with Visual Feedback using Leap Motion

How to make the penetration of the virtual surface more logical and more realistic through visual feedback? To answer this question, we tried three methods—highlighting the boundaries and depths as they traverse the grid, adding color gradients to … [Continue reading]

Augmented Reality Course AUGUST 2018

AUGMENTED REALITY SHORT COURSE is two days professional courses that focus on fundamental concepts and techniques for approaching augmented reality technology (overlays virtual content on real world). Who can Attend AR/VR Content Creator … [Continue reading]

UTM Classroom of The Future

The exciting future of education with virtual reality MaGICX Classroom of the Future, has been successfully launched by Malaysia Ministry of Education. In response to the challenge of the 4th Industrial Revolution, MoHE's intention to Redesigning … [Continue reading]

Augmented Reality Training September 2017

 2-DAY PROFESSIONAL COURSE : MOBILE-BASED AUGMENTED REALITY APPLICATION is two days professional courses that focus on fundamental concepts and techniques for approaching augmented reality technology (overlays virtual content on real world) in mobile … [Continue reading]

Augmented Reality Short Course 19-20 AUG 2017

 2-DAY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSE ON MOBILE-BASED AUGMENTED REALITY is two days professional courses that focus on fundamental concepts and techniques for approaching augmented reality technology (overlays virtual content on real world) in … [Continue reading]

UTM Mobile Apps Hackathon

UTMTEC together with CGMA, MaGICX and CSI will be organizing the UTM Mobile App Hackathon 2017. Mobile app developers and designers in Malaysia! The UTM Technology Entrepreneur Center (UTMTEC) invites you to sign up to participate in the Mobile … [Continue reading]

Trip to HITLabNZ

Official Trip to HITLabNZ, New Zealand for PhD with supervision Prof. Mark Billinghurst, the pioneer of ARToolkit.     … [Continue reading]