Archives for July 24, 2023

I am Indeed a Proud Supervisor

I am feeling deeply touched and happy nowadays because my former and current Master’s and PhD students texted me to inform that their articles, derived from their theses and dissertations, have been accepted for publication in indexed journals. These students come from Nigeria, Indonesia, China, and, of course, Malaysia.
Additionally, one of my current Master’s students, who is working under my supervision, unexpectedly told me that she wants to present her concept paper at a conference, even though it is not compulsory for her to do so. I checked her work a few days ago, and I am extremely proud of her achievements.
I always advise my students, and remind myself, that sharing knowledge is an ongoing process throughout our lives. Writing is not about showing off or meeting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), but about finding satisfaction, excitement, and enjoyment in the process. Ultimately, we write with the intention of investing in the hereafter, insya-Allah.
It’s a joy to witness my students’ success and to be a part of their academic journey.