2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IEEE-PES Malaysia Chapter

Dear IEEE PES Malaysia Members,

Please be informed that the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IEEE-PES Malaysia Chapter is as scheduled below (before the AGM of IEEE Malaysia Section).

Date:     27th January 2018 (Saturday)

Time:     9.00 am
Venue:   The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya

0830    Registration and Coffee

0900    PES AGM

1030    IEEE Malaysia Section AGM

The AGM Agenda:

  1. To accept the minutes of the 21st Annual General Meeting
  2. To receive Chair’s Report for 2017 Session
  3. To receive Treasurer’s Report for 2017 Session
  4. Dissolution of Committee for 2017 Session
  5. Election of Committee for 2018 Session and to Appointment of 2 auditors
  6. Address by the PES-Malaysia Chapter Chair 2018
  7. Any other business

You are cordially invited to attend the AGM. Members are advice to register online before or by 14th January 2018. 

 Members who registered online are eligible to get door gift. The door gifts are based on first come first served basis and limited to 30 members.

 Please register at https://goo.gl/n8iBGS to attend the AGM.

As always, we thank you for your continued support and dedication to PES Malaysia. Members need to renew 2018 membership before attend the AGM and eligible to vote during the AGM. For your convenience, kindly renew your membership at https://www.ieee.org

We look forward to meet you during the AGM.

See you there!

Thank you



2017 PES Malaysia Secretary