Announcement on the eSciencefund grant cycle for 2016

Dear researchers,


Please be informed that the Science Fund (MOSTI) grant applications for 2016 will be assessed and processed based on 4 cycles which are scheduled as follows :-


Cycle Deadline of submission to Research Alliance (Internal Evaluation) Deadline of submission to RMC (Verification) Deadline of submission to MOSTI
1 / 2016 12 Jan 2016 25 Jan 2016 29 Jan 2016
2 / 2016 24 Mac 2016 23 Apr 2016 29 Apr 2016
3 / 2016 23 Jun 2016 25 Jul 2016 29 Jul 2016
4 / 2016 1 Dec 2016 24 Oct 2016 28 Oct 2016


Please take note of the following:-

  1. Evaluation processes will be conducted by respective Research Alliances
  2. Maximum duration of the project is 30 months
  3. Maximum total allocation is RM 500,000
  4. Application must be done online through eScienceFund application portal.
  5. Do not press submit button before internal evaluation
  6. Do amendment as instructed by the evaluators
  7. Notification to press SUBMIT BUTTON will be sent to project leader after proposal has been verified by respective Research Alliances
  8. The application will be submitted to RMC for further verification and submission to MOSTI


Below are the list of documents that must be submitted to UTM Research Alliances :


  1. One (1) hardcopy of complete Proposal (printed from e-ScienceFund system)
  2. Updated CV (Applicant & Members) (printed from e-ScienceFund system)
  3. Quotation for item listed under V26000, V29000 & V35000
  5. Collaboration Letter from industries


Guideline, Checklist and Internal Evaluation Form can be downloaded from
Application can be made through the following link:


All eligible researchers are strongly encouraged to apply for this research grant. For enquiries please contact the following officers:


Name Research Alliance/RMC Emel Ext no
Pn Sapiah Smart Digital Community 31026
Pn Siti Fadilla Innovative Engineering 31020
Pn Umussaa’dah

Cik Siti Noor Salmuh

Resource Sustainability

Pn Nur Arbainah Health & Wellness 31034
En Mohamad Abdul Razis Frontier

Materials 31012
Pn Hasmayati RMC 37770
En Khairilanuar RMC 37870
Pn Hazida RMC 37806


 Your co-operation is much appreciated. Thank you.