Ungku-Omar Newton Fund Grant Success

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Congratulations to Prof Jalil and team for the success in securing Ungku-Omar Newton Fund Grant (Title: “Next Generation Green Data Centres for Environmental and Business Sustainability”) worth RM12.9M.
The project is jointly funded by Innovate UK, Research Councils UK (RCUK) and the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT). The success is a collaborative efforts of 4 organizations i.e. Green Data Center LLP Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Dearman Engine Company UK, Heriot Watt University UK.
We appreciate and acknowledge the contribution and efforts of the UTM team particularly Prof. Dr. Jalil Ali, Dr. Zuhaib Haider, Dr. Kashif Tufail, Dr. Safwan Aziz, Dr. Suzairi Daud, Dr. Mahdi Bahadoran, Prof. Dr. Roman Poznanski and Dr. Lleuvelyn Cacha for inputs during the preparation of this application and leading to the successful approval of this project. This is an industrially driven project and hence the focal points will be led by Green Data Center LLP from the Malaysian side and Dearman Engine Company from UK side.
Once again congratulations to all.

Prof. Madya Dr. Shukor Abd Razak

Timbalan Pengarah Pengurusan Projek
Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
http://www.rmc.utm.my – RMC Portal
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