ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT TO REGISTER: Learn to Avoid Critical Mistakes in SDEs


September 27, 2016 – Washington, DC Metro Area

Lunch and Cocktails Included.

Last chance: register by Friday, September 23rd to take advantage of the following special registration discount offer:

Look at some of the experts you’ll meet –

  • Steve Orrin, CTO, Federal Division, Intel Security – Taking On the Security Challenge in SoftwareDefined Data Centers
  • Ken Spangler, SVP Information Techinology & CIO, FedEx Ground & Freight Systems, Business and Enterprise Architecture in an Increasingly Connected World
  • Jim Aralis, CTO and VP of R&D, Microsemi – Software-Defined, Networking in Infrastructure
  • Constantine Polychronopoulos, PhD, VP and CTO, Citrix Systems – Delivering the Mobile Internet Through Fast & Smart Networking
  • Jamie Thomas, General Manager, Systems Strategy and Development, IBM Systems – Optimizing for Next-Generation Workloads
  • Matt Denesuk, Chief Data Science Officer, (formerly GE Software) – Avoiding, Critical Mistakes in Software-DefinedMachines

Most important, the topic will be your requirements, your challenges, your questions, as you interact in this working environment with these experts. You’ll never have a better chance to get real answers – and only invest one day of your time. Click HERE to register at the special discount.


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