- Pihak Pusat Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran (CTL), UTMLead akan menganjurkan kursus seperti butiran di bawah :
Tarikh : 15 Mei 2017 (Isnin)
Masa : 8.30 pagi – 4.30 petang
Tempat : Makmal Komputer CTL, UTM JB
2. Sekiranya Y.Bhg.Prof./Prof.Madya/Dr./saudara berminat, sila emelkan maklumat seperti nama/no.pekerja/no.handpone dan emel secepat yang mungkin untuk tindakan urusetia selanjutnya.
Web 2.0 technologies bring the web to a new phase, which allows users not only to use information but also to be directly involved in generating new information. Social Media as one of the Web 2.0 tools allow social interaction and easy creation of content by users. It can be an effective tool for teaching and learning in higher education. It can help connect students to information and help them generate a dialogue with their teacher and other students about a course. Blog is another Web 2.0 facilities which is easy to create and offers variety of interactive facilities. It could give positive impact towards student’s development. This course revealed to academic staff on how to utilize social media and learning and Blog for teaching and learning effectively.
Participants will seek to:
- Explain the function and role of Social Media and Blog for teaching and learning purpose.
- Produce substance and learning activity using Social media and Blog facilities.
- Integrate Social media and Blog with e-learning@UTM system.
Sekian terima kasih
Priscilla A/P Prapagara
Pembantu Tadbir
Pusat Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (CTL)
Pusat Kepimpinan Akademik (UTMLead)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Johor Bahru
Primary Email: priscilla@utm.my