YBhg. Tan Sri/Datuk/Datuk Seri/Puan Sri/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr./Ir./Sr./Ar./Saudara,
Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,
UTM team of experts are monitoring the haze situation in both campuses and the management will issue appropriate notice before 5pm on daily basis.
Please keep yourself alert on any further notices and announcements on haze situation by the University.
Classes in UTMKL and UTMJB for tomorrow (19/9/2019) will be conducted as usual until further notice.
During the period of haze, we would like to advise everyone to take care of your health and please take precautionary measure.
1. Wear N95 mask if the Air Pollutant Index (API) is more than 100. The normal facemask will not keep you safe.
2. No outdoor activities. Please stay indoors.
3. Always keep yourself hydrated and wash your hands and face regularly after being out in the haze.
4. If you have any health issues – cough, asthma, cold, difficulty in breathing, eye irritation, please come and see our Medical Officer immediately.
Office of Corporate Affairs
Level 16, Menara Razak
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur
office +603 21805127 | fax +603 21805602
e-mail: corporate.kl@utm.my | site: corporateaffairs.utm.my/kl