APSEC 2016 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference

6th-9th December 2016, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand


Software has been increasingly utilised to improve the quality of lives and, subsequently, to change the world in a myriad of unforeseeable ways. Software systems have evolved to meet the changing needs of society, while society has in turn evolved in response to the use of innovative and omnipresent software systems. The emergence of contemporary software for the evolving world has posed unprecedented challenges to software engineering professionals and their community. The 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016) provides an excellent opportunity for software engineering researchers and practitioners around the world to exchange ideas on how to address these challenges.


Important Dates

Paper Submissions: 15 July 2016

Acceptance Notification: 12 September 2016

Camera Ready Copy Due: 10 October 2016
