Call for Proposals- Research University Grant (Tier 1) Phase 1/2016

Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera,


Dear all UTM researchers


Call for Proposals – Research University Grant (Tier 1) Phase 1/2016

We are pleased to announce the opening of the application for Research University Grant (Tier 1) Phase 1/2016. The application period is from 15 Apr 2016 to 15 May 2016.


All applications must be submitted online through RADIS System before the deadline of 15 May 2016 (Sunday, 5.00pm).

Criteria :


Tier 1

The criteria for Tier 1 application is as follows :

–       The Researchers must be UTM permanent /contract academic staff.

–       The minimum number of members is two ( 2 ) academic staff including Project Leader

–       Maximum budget is RM 50,000.00

–       The application should be solving industry problems/concerns industrial needs

–       Application must attach proof of collaboration i.e. official letter from industry/international partner

–       Industry/international partner is encouraged to contribute cash or in-kind

–       Project start date is 1st July 2016

–       Project period : 12 – 24 months

Please be informed that evaluation will be conducted online through the RADIS system, starting from 1st– 14 June 2016. During this period, please pay attention to RADIS notification emails, revise your application according to panels’ comments, and resubmit without delay.

For more details about criteria, please go to


Prof. Madya Dr. Shukor Abd Razak

Timbalan Pengarah Pengurusan Projek
Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Fax:(6)075566177 – RMC Portal – Research and Development Information System


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