
Dear all Alumni,

Greetings from MFUC!

We are pleased to invite you to:

The Career Development Talk co-organized by MFUC & CCI-FM with:

·         Proven testimonies and sharing from Alumni working in French companies & Managers

·         Dialogue session on ‘Job market and hiring sector in 2016?’

·        Job opportunities presentation from Malaysia-based French companies (10 Companies are already registered to participate, (Decathlon, Aramis, Rafale Internationale, Humana International, CNS communications….and more!)
Date: 14 Avril 2016, Thursday
Time: 5pm – 8pm
Venue: UNIKL-Jalan Sultan Ismael, 50250 Kuala Lumpur!

(Refer attachment for the Programme and further details)

Kindly confirm your attendance by submitting your online RSVP form at the link below before 11th Avril 2016.

We remain at your entire disposal should you require any further clarification on the event.

With great pleasure to meeting you soon!


Adèle Pruvost


French Deputy Director/ Directrice adjointe

In charge of Campus France Malaysia/Responsable Campus France Malaisie

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