Category Archives: Blogging

Test drive the new Proton Perdana

Recently Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali was kind enough to let us test drive his new Perdana 2.4L


We wanted to show the car but unfortunately we literally blocked it 😀


It was great driving the new Proton Perdana.  It comes with a 5 year warranty if you all are interested to buy.



Tips on Staying Energized during Ramadhan

The full article can be found at http://Tips on Staying Energized during Ramadhan


You may know the best time to workout for yourself, but you may need to tweak your plan during Ramadhan. Follow your own schedule and routine, and do what works for you, as all of us have different schedules, targets and commitments. Be it running on a treadmill before breakfast or sahur, or running after tarawikh, or going to the gym after breakfast, we just need to find time.



Often we feel lethargic during the month of Ramadhan due to lack of nutrients. Ramadhan is a month of worshiping God that is portrayed in many ways; like tarawikh prayers, reciting Quran, zikr, doing good deeds, charity and more. Performing some deed can drain your energy out. A popular question for muslims; Is there a way to make it up to this? There are more deeds I would love to do but how do I stay energized when fasting? Come! Let’s find out how.


1. Eat energy booster food

2. Drink plenty of water

3. Shake it up

Maintain your metabolism during Ramadhan as it may decline due to lesser food intake. Sitting too much or less movement makes your body more lethargic. Try walking around or do a mini workout to regain your activate your body energy.

4. Socialize around

Distract the tiredness by small chatting with your colleagues and friends. Socializing minimizes stress, boosts brainpower, and rids away the fatigue. While you chat, don’t forget to stick a smile and laugh more as it stimulates energy and improves mood.

5. Sleep tight

Get a good night sleep to improve your energy level for the next day. How can you achieve that? Sleep soundly by turning off electronic gadgets and make sure your bedroom is cool with the right temperature. Make sure you get at least 6 hours of sleep a day despite the late night Tarawih prayers and early morning suhoor. If you can nap during daytime, you could do that to ensure your body gets enough rest. Do not compromise your sleep.

Good Luck Sisters!


Today marks the last day of punching in and punching out of the office for my three lovely sisters that I am going to miss very much 🙁


We went out for lunch today promising to catch up on each other always.


Mira is one of the best marketing officers I have worked with.  It is a pity to let her go.  She has always lots of tips for me when we do marketing together.


Eryn is always ready to help me with my scanning issues and also other office matters that I rarely have to do.  She has just delivered a baby and she looks so slim 🙂


K Yati, the one on the right has been here as long as I remembered.  When I first reported for work at the KL Campus, she was already there.  I will dearly miss her tea ….


All the best dear sisters.  Insyaallah there are better things for us out there.  Keep in touch!



Kayak is a very narrow boat like the ones in the pictures.  It has a hollow bottom for us to place our feet, called the hull.  The correct position to sit in a kayak is upright with the legs extended to the front into the hollow hull.  It is propelled using a double-bladed paddle. A kayak floats just below the water surface.  So as it moves forward, the water is pushed aside.  It is said that the earliest people to use kayak were the Eskimos.




Kayak is usually made of plastic material, mainly from polyethylene.  Polyethylene is the most widely used plastic.  Its waxy characteristic and its toughness make it suitable to be used to make kayak.



Another similar vessel is the canoe.  It is slightly different from kayak as it floats on water surface and it uses a single blade paddle.  The sitting position in a canoe is also not the same as in a kayak.


Kayak is used as a recreational sports and at the same time it can be used in a race for those who are more competitive.




My Aceh holiday


This nice lady is Linda.  When we wanted to go to Aceh a few years back, we googled for accommodation in Banda Aceh and found that many people recommended that we go to Linda’s Homestay.  We stayed at her house under one roof.  She cooks for us, she took us sightseeing and even shopping.  If anyone is interested to stay at her place, Linda Nurdin can be contacted at


Since Linda is a local, she knows the best places to go if you want to discover Banda Aceh.  She suggested that we go visit a traditional Aceh village and we took up her advice.  It was great meeting the villagers and seeing how they live.  They cooked delicious food and affordable price.


This is a typical window of a traditional Aceh house.  Aceh house is not the same as a Minang house.


Guess what these are!  Yup.  Mangosteen skin.  I can’t remember what they are for but from what I read, it is full of anti oxidant.


Lunch time!  Bismillah ….


Dodol is a gooey candy made from “gula melaka” (I think the translation in English is rock palm sugar ;-)) and coconut milk.  It is very sweet.  So, please consume with moderation 🙂


The kids got to enjoy exploring “gadgets” they have never seen or used at home.  All the museums in Banda Aceh are free for visitors.


Local taxi.


The famous Aceh dried meat.


Our breakfast at Linda’s.  Her mie goreng was a hit with the kids.


Cooling cucumber juice on a hot and sunny day.


Some decorations inside a local house.


This boat was stranded at the top of someone’s house during the last Tsunami.  It is now a museum.


This is Tien’s bungalow in Weh Island, Sabang. The place to have a peaceful holiday in an island.  I will insyaallah write about Tien’s place in another post.  Another memorable stay at Weh Island.


This is a typical grocery shop at Banda Aceh.  I went there specifically to look for belinjau dried chips.


I like this!


My son trying to pluck a coconut for the first time.



The above pictures were taken during our diving outings at Pulau Weh.