Category Archives: Blogging

Hands on session on SLR

On the 3rd of February 2016, Assoc Prof Dr Zuraini Ismail, Dr Rasimah Che Mohd Yusoff dan Dr Hafiza Abas held a special session for UTM AIS staff on how to implement Systematic Literature Review.  Thank you very much as I have now a clearer view of how to start my SLR 🙂

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Couscous is a traditional North African Berber dish.


There are many variations of couscous meal according to the country.  For example, Moroccan’s and Algerian’s couscous dishes are slightly different.

Above is the Moroccan’s style.  We stir some  chopped onions, garlic and ginger in olive oil together with diced tomatoes, coriander, cumin and cardamom.  Sprinkle a little bit of saffron for the aromatic smell.


Add chicken, carrots, radish, onion and some water.  Pressure cook all the ingredients.  That is the fast way to prepare it at home.  The traditional way takes up more time 🙂


Voila!  The meal is ready.


Bunga Kesidang

Saya tertarik dengan bunga ini kerana baunya sangat harum.  Ia boleh dijadikan pewangi kereta semulajadi.  Petik dua atau tiga kuntum bunga kesidang dan letak ia di dalam kereta.  Segar ….


Sumber penulisan di bawah saya dapati dari sini.


Pokok kesidang berasal dari Pulau Jawa. Di negeri utara Malaysia, kesidang dikenali dengan nama pokok bunga kerak nasi, manakala di pantai timur Malaysia dikenali dengan nama bunga tikam seladang. Di negara Barat, pokok ini dikenali sebagai bread flower. Nama saintifik bagi pokok dalam keluargaApocynaceae ini ialah Vallaris glabra. Kesidang sering menjadi penghias halaman dan pergola taman.

Pokok kesidang berbatang keras dan berdaun seakan-akan daun sirih. Bunganya berwarna putih dan berbau wangi seakan-akan bau daun pandan. Sesekali, baunya seakan-akan bau nasi. Hal ini memungkinkan namanya sebagai bunga kerak nasi, sementelah pula warnanya putih dan jambak bunganya seperti kerak nasi. Bunga kesidang dijadikan salah satu ramuan dalam bunga rampai. Tepak sirih yang menjadi bahan dalam beberapa istiadat masyarakat Melayu turut dihiasi bunga kesidang. Gadis dan wanita Melayu menjadikan bunga kesidang sebagai hiasan sanggul.

Bunga kesidang yang putih bersih melambangkan kesucian dan kelembutan. Maka, dengan kehalusan dan kesesuaiannya dalam kehidupan orang Melayu, bunga kesidang dijadikan bunga rasmi bagi negeri Melaka yang penuh dengan adat istiadat dan resam budaya. Cantik di halaman dan wangi di taman membuatkan kesidang digemari juga oleh kupu-kupu dan burung. Kesidang mudah tumbuh melalui keratan batang dan biji.

Alhamdulillah – Final report submitted



Since July 2015, the Master of Software Engineering Full Time students batch 11 were sent to various companies in the city for their Industrial Attachment program.  I supervised two students- Farah and Husna.

Alhamdulillah after presenting their initial proposals and their final work, they have officially submitted their reports to the School.  Congrats to all.



Today we managed to meet up for a while.  Yaz and his student Syafick were also there.  Ahmed is missing here.  He must be busy getting ready to go back to Iraq.

We would like to wish all our students the best of luck in their future undertakings.

May Allah bless all of you.

The Patio


When I was in Spain, I saw many patios in the Spanish homes.  Patio is a roofless inner courtyard in a Spanish houses.  Well, this time I found a patio not in Spain, but in Malacca 🙂

Industrial Attachment Presentation


Today is Farah’s turn to present her work at a local company.


Both examiners asked her to correct her report.  Make her objective no 1 clearer and refine her literature and methodology chapters among others.

Good Luck Farah!

The leech


This innocent looking wormy tiny creature is a leech.  While hiking at Ulu Geroh last year, I was bitten, or was it sucked, a couple of times.

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Well … this is the result.  Suddenly I saw blood.  The leech must have fed itself well and fell off 😀  It took a few days for the bite to stop bleeding.  And it was until about a week that I still felt itchy at the spot where I was “sucked”.


Well, the view and the trip was fun enough.  So, we sure hoped that we lost some weight that day … walk, leech and all.

Klebang Coconut Shake


When we were in Melaka, our friends told us that we must try the famous coconut shake there.  So, we went.  My … My … What a surprise.  There were long queues at the shop.  They have a take away counter at the entrance and there was a very long queue there too.


Of course there are many young coconuts there.


Voila!  These are the famous coconut shakes of Klebang.  Love it and it’s cheap!