Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan perkhidmatan ini boleh hubungi Puan Nuridzati binti Mohd Noh samb: 03 2615 4819 . Sila muat turun untuk paparan yang lebih jelas.Sekian terima kasih.
Bahagian Pendaftar UTM Kuala Lumpur (BPKL)Jabatan Pendaftar
Sebarang pertanyaan berkaitan perkhidmatan ini boleh hubungi Puan Nuridzati binti Mohd Noh samb: 03 2615 4819 . Sila muat turun untuk paparan yang lebih jelas.Sekian terima kasih.
Bahagian Pendaftar UTM Kuala Lumpur (BPKL)Jabatan Pendaftar
In her previous lecture, Dato’ Freida (Board member of Persatuan Siswazah Wanita Malaysia) has shared her experience on how she developed Cempaka School from the beginning. Her struggle, determination and enthusiasm has inspired us. Now, in the next series, she will share with us how her dauntless spirit has led to the development of other branches of the school and how the school curriculum was developed until it reaches the standard of global demands. Let’s hear her story as an entrepreneurial educator and pioneer of private schools in Malaysia. 28 December 2020 @ Monday
Time: 10.00-11.00am
ModeratorAssoc. Prof. Dr. Mahani Mokhtar
PanelDato’ Freida Mohd Pilus
Live @ FB dan Youtube: Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
Facebook FSSH : bit.ly/fsshutm
YouTube FSSH : bit.ly/ytfsshutm
Assalamualaikum wrt. wbt. dan Salam Sejahtera,
YBhg. Datuk/Dato’/Datin/Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr /Tuan/Puan/Saudara,
Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk,
Dimaklumkan bahawa Operasi Perkhidmatan Pesakit Luar Pusat Kesihatan, UTM Kuala Lumpur DITANGGUHKAN SEMENTARA pada 23 DISEMBER 2020 (RABU) Dari jam 2.00 petang sehingga 5.00 petang. Penangguhan perkhidmatan ini adalah bertujuan untuk pelaksanaan kerja-kerja sanitasi dan nyahcemar di bangunan PKU.
Namun begitu, untuk perkhidmatan pesakit luar, warga Universiti boleh mendapatkan rawatan di klinik – klinik panel yang lain.
Sebarang kes kecemasan, sila hubungi staf bertugas PN. ZAINAB BINTI RAMZAN ditalian 012-7293492. Harap maaf di atas kesulitan.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Dear students;
Please be informed that UTM Academic Leadership (UTMLead) will organize a Roadshow Mock-up Online Exam to the Postgraduate Students of Faculty of Technology and Informatics Razak (FTIR). The program will be held as follows:
Date : 8 January 2021 (Friday)
Time : 3.00 – 4.00 pm
Venue : Webex https://utm.webex.com/meet/nihra
All students are cordially invited to attend the program.
Assalamualaikum wrm. wbt.
YBhg. Prof./Prof. Madya/Dr./Tuan/Puan/Saudara
Dimaklumkan bahawa Program Kuliah Tafaqquh Fiddin akan diadakan seperti berikut :
Tarikh: 10 Disember 2020 (Khamis)
Masa: 10.30 pagiPenceramah: Dr. Mohd. Al ‘Ikhsan Ghazali, Pensyarah Kanan FTI Kitab : Asbabun Nuzul (Kitab Tafsir)
Semua staf dengan segala hormat dijemput untuk menyaksikan live bersama kami di Page Pusat Islam UTMKL :https://www.facebook.com/PusatIslamUTMKL
Pendaftaran melalui Google Form akan dibuka kepada penonton sebaik sahaja program bermula.
Sekian, terima kasih
Pusat Islam
UTM Kuala Lumpur
03-2203 1604 / 1606 / 1607
You are cordially invited to join a live webinar Distinguished Lecture Series #93
organised by the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
Here is a brief biography of the speaker :-
Dr. Byung Sun Kim has been researching at the Composites Research Division (CRD) of Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS) since 1991. He was a Professor in Advance Materials Department, Korea University of Science & Technology (UST) ’12 and ‘17, and, also, was NSF appointed Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University between ’15 and ’17.Between ’10 and ’16, he was a Director of Global Research Laboratory (GRL) program between CCM of Univ. of Delaware and CRC of KIMS on “Advanced Hybrid Micro/ nanocomposites for Structural and Multifunctional Applications”.He received his Ph.D. from Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology.Between ’00 and ’07, he was Director of KIMM-MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Collaborative Program and visiting professor at MIT between ’00 an ’02. In 2007, he was awarded of Korean Presidential Commendation for excellence in research into the structural design and processing of Composite Materials. He was the president of Korean Society for Composite Materials (2012-2013) and was an Executive Council Member of International Committee on Composite Materials (ICCM) (2013-2015).
Topic : “Electrophoretic Deposition Process and Nanocomposites”
Guest Speaker : Prof. Byung Sun Kim, Korea Institute of Materials Science, South Korea
Date : 9 December 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 3:00 PM (Malaysia)
Facebook Live : https://www.facebook.com/engineering.utm.my
Attendance Record (CPD):Google Form for recording staff attendance will be pinned in the comment during the live session.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia0182380806fk@utm.my
Dimaklumkan bahawa Program Kuliah Muslimat akan diadakan seperti berikut :
Tarikh: 11 Disember 2020 (Jumaat)
Masa: 09.30 pagi – 10.30 pagi
Tajuk:” Anak soleh Bekalan akhirat”
Penceramah: Ustazah Ros Izanuri Jamaludin
Semua staf dengan segala hormat dijemput untuk menyaksikan live bersama kami di Page Pusat Islam UTMKL :https://www.facebook.com/PusatIslamUTMKL
YBhg. Dato’/ Prof./ Dr./ Tuan / Puan / Cik
Dengan segala hormatnya dimaklumkan bahawa Mesyuarat Senat Universiti Bil.2/2020 bertarikh 25 November 2020 telah meluluskan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran yang akan dilaksanakan pada Semester I Sesi 2020/2021 berdasarkan situasi Pandemik COVID-19 dalam negara dan pengumuman Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) pada 7 November 2020 seperti berikut:
i. Semua kursus pra dan pasca siswazah yang melibatkan kuliah perlu dijalankan secara dalam talian.
ii. Kursus yang melibatkan Latihan Industri perlu mengikut ketetapan jenis kehadiran ke tempat latihan daripada industri.
iii. Kursus yang melibatkan makmal, studio dan praktikal perlu dilaksanakan secara dalam talian. Pertemuan secara bersemuka dibenarkan bermula 1 Januari 2021 tertakluk kepada pengumuman semasa Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) dan Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.
iv. Kursus yang melibatkan pembelajaran servis perlu dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara dalam talian.
v. Semua bentuk pentaksiran samada formatif atau sumatif perlu dilaksanakan secara dalam talian.
Sekian, harap maklum.
Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International)Sultan Ibrahim Chancellery BuildingUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor