Category Archives: Symposium/Workshop

Invitation to IoT Knowledge Sharing Talk on 10th Dec 2015

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to all UTMKL Staff,
Prof./Assoc. Prof/Dr./Mr/Ms,

UTM AIS is pleased to invite all of UTM KL staff to an IoT Knowledge Sharing Talk that will be held on 10th December 2015 (Thursday). This talk titled ‘Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture and Disaster Management’ will be presented by UTM AIS Adjunct Professor, Prof. Dr. Teddy Mantoro.
The details of the event is as the followings:
Speaker : Professor Dr. Teddy Mantoro
                 Adjunct Professor, UTM AIS
                 Dean, USBI-Sampoerna University Engineering
Title       : Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture and Disaster Management
Date       : 10th December 2015 (Thursday)
Time      : 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Venue    : Dewan Seminar, Level 1, UTM Kuala Lumpur

Invitation to IEEE PES DLP by Prof. Ambrish Chandra, IEEE Fellow – ‘Hybrid Renewable Energy Standalone Systems’

IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Malaysia would like to invite all IEEE members to PES Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) by Prof. Ambrish Chandra, IEEE Fellow from the Universié du Québec, Montréal, Canada..


The details of this event:


Title:  Hybrid Renewable Energy Standalone Systems

Date: 16th December 2015 (Wednesday)

Time: 8.30AM – 1.00PM (Lunch is provided)

Venue: Putra 2, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, PUTRAJAYA.


Talk Synopsis:

Several isolated areas in the world currently use only diesel generators (DGs) to serve their require-ments of electrical energy. However, the use of DGs has many drawbacks:

1) high cost of electricity,

2) air and noise pollution,

3) Loss in fuel efficiency and maintenance cost.

To remedy those problems it is better to generate power from a cost-effective, environmental friendly renewable energy sources (RESs) such as wind, solar, hydro, biomass, etc. RESs are clean and almost available all over the planet but are intermittent in nature, especially wind and solar power generations. This makes their integration to micro-grid with DG difficult, especially if the local grid is not connected to the main grid. Hybrid standalone system consists of many elements such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, DG, energy storage system, AC and DC loads, dump load etc. Most of these elements are connected to the AC or DC bus via power electronic devices. In this presentation many possible hybrid renewable energy standalone systems will be discussed. Control of some of the systems will be discussed in detail.

This presentation will also include the control and grid integration of wind energy. Control and integration of Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG) based wind energy systems (WESs) with power quality improvement features without any additional device will be discussed.


  1. Lunch will be provided
  2. Please register at Registration for Distinguished Lecture Program
  3. This event is supported by IEM and IET.


We look forward to meeting all of you at the aforementioned event.



Zaipatimah Ali


IEEE PES Malaysia 2015

3 Free webinars on must know infrasturcture insights for IEEE Computer Society Members

These recorded webinars teach you to use:

  •  Application & Infrastructure Visibility to Gain Competitive Advantage

  • IT operations analytics to predict outages

  • Exploitation of a Cloud environment to design and deploy new network services

Offered by the IEEE Computer Society, you are invited to view these free webinars at your leisure, but don’t wait long as the strategies and insights they present are useful now.

Be a Superhero: Use Application & Infrastructure Visibility to Gain Competitive Advantage
Learn how to gain end-to-end insight into critical applications and infrastructure while reducing event storm noise. Quickly identify and resolve problems for increased quality of service and reduced costs.

Using IT operations analytics to predict outages before they become service impacting
IBM IT Operations Analytics solutions analyze the terabytes of big data from your IT operations. These solutions turn your data into understandable, relevant information that provides insights that you can act on immediately.

Transforming Your Business to Drive Innovation and Growth
This webinar will discuss the challenges of designing and deploying new network services in a Telecommunications Service Provider environment. It will describe the advantages of exploiting a Cloud environment to implement these services and ongoing efforts in the Open Community to address the associated challenges.

Invitation to Tutorial Sessions (MICC2015)

In conjunction with the 2015 IEEE 12th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2015), IEEE Malaysia Communications Society and Vehicular Society (ComSoc/VTS) Joint Chapter will organize 5 tutorial sessions onNovember 23, 2015. The sessions will be conducted by experts from local and overseas.

Tutorial 1:
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tharek Abd Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Title: 5G Mobile Communication: Evolution or Revolution

Tutorial 2:
Speaker: Dr Rosdiadee Nordin, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Title: Fundamentals and Applications of Green Communication for Current and Future Mobile Networks

Tutorial 3:
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mohamad Yusof Alias, Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University, MALAYSIA
Title: OFDM-based Visible Light Communications: Potentials and Challenges

Tutorial 4:
Speakers: Dr. Mehbodniya and Prof. Fumiyuki Adachi, Tohoku University, Miyagi, JAPAN
Title: Towards Energy-Efficient Hyper-Dense Wireless Networks with Trillions of Devices

Tutorial 5:
Speaker: Prof Dr. A. Annamalai Jr., A&M University (Texas A&M University System), USA
Title: Cross-Layer Design of Cooperative Wireless Networks

Further details about the tutorial program (notably schedule and fees), can be found at: Should you have any inquiries, please contact Dr. Khaizuran Abdullah at

Looking forward to seeing you at Kuching, Sarawak. Thank you.

Best regards,
Fazirulhisyam Hashim
IEEE Malaysia ComSoc/VTS Joint Chapter


IEEE Malaysia and IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter is supporting IIEC 2015 which is a conference jointly organise by IEM EETD and IET Malaysia. IEEE members will receive special discount on the conference fees. 
For more information, please refer to


Best Regards,
Zuhaina Zakaria, PhD, SMIEEE, MIET
Chair IEEE Malaysia Section
Associate Professor
Centre for Power Engineering Studies
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA,

Workshop on Arduino – Call For Participants (organized by IEEE Computer Society Malaysia)

14 November 2015, Lab 15, Faculty of Computer & Mathematical Sciences, UiTM Shah Alam, Selangor

Course Topics
1. Introduction to the world of Arduino, how to start working on Arduino.
2. Brief introduction to Arduino coding and installation of new libraries.
3. Different kind of sensors, and how quickly you can get a real-time plot from Arduino.
4. Programming Python to off-load complex and large codes away from Arduino.
5. Integration of Arduino with 3D environment.
6. Several example of communication project – Bluetooth LE, RF radio, Wi-Fi and direct communication.

RM 700 per person (inclusive of Arduino board and accessories)

Please visit our website:

Invitation to Short-Course ‘Advanced Statistical Biosignal Processing – fMRI, EEG and PCG Signals’

———————– Short-Course Announcement ———————–


Advanced Statistical Biomedical Signal Processing

Applications to fMRI, EEG and PCG Signals


Dewan Ilmuan 2, Aras 2, Menara Razak

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur Campus,

Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur.

10th Dec 2015 (Thursday)


Speakers: Dr Abd-Krim Seghouane, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne

Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh and Dr. Chee-Ming Ting,

Center for Center for Biomedical Engineering


Organizer: Center for Biomedical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Advisor: Dato’ Prof Ir Dr Alias Mohd Noor

Organizing Chair: Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh



Dear Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss,


We cordially invite you to a one-day short course entitled “Advanced Statistical Biomedical Signal Processing: Applications to fMRI, EEG and PCG Signals” which will be held on 10th Dec 2015 (Thursday) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.


This short course will introduce the fundamentals of a range of statistical signal processing techniques for analyzing biomedical signals, in terms of modeling, estimation, inference and prediction of bio-signals. The methods will be illustrated with three important types of bio-signals, i.e. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG) and phonocardiogram (heart sound) with state-of-the-art applications to neuroimaging, brain connectivity analysis, brain-computer interface and cardiac diseases diagnostics.


The course is organized into four lecture sessions:


Session I and II review the main statistical techniques used to analyze fMRI data for human brain mapping.  The first tutorial will give an overview on parametric and semi-parametric models for hemodynamic response function (HRF) estimation and activation detection of neural activity. Session II presents major modeling and estimation techniques for functional and e­ffective brain connectivity analysis from fMRI data. Session III presents a covariance analysis of the dynamics across multiple-trials bio-signals, applied on multi-channel heart-sounds from di­fferent auscultation points. Session IV will introduce state-space approach to modeling EEG, for estimation of event-related potentials (ERPs) and desynchronization (ERD) for brain-computer-interface, using Kalman filtering and the particle filtering.





0800 – 0900 – Registration

0900 – 1030 – Session I: HRF Estimation and Activation Detection in fMRI

(Dr. Abd-Krim Seghouane)

1030 – 1045 – Tea Break

1045 – 1215 – Session II: Brain Connectivity Analysis (Dr. Abd-Krim Seghouane)

1215 – 1415 – Lunch

1415 – 1530 – Session III: Analyzing Dependence in Multi-Auscultation Heart-Sound Signals (Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh)

1530 – 1545 – Tea Break

1545 – 1700 – Session IV: State-space Analysis of Non-stationary Neural Signals

(Dr. Chee-Ming Ting)

1700            – Closing




Dr. Abd-Krim Seghouane

PhD, University Paris Sud (Paris XI)

ARC Future Fellow, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Uni. of Melbourne.

Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society, Victorian Chapter, Australia

Areas of Expertise: physiological signals, biomedical image analysis and statistical signal and image processing.


Prof. Ir. Dr. Sheikh Hussain Shaikh Salleh

PhD, Uni.of Edinburgh

Deputy Director of Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBE), UTM

Chairman of National Technical Committee on Biometrics

Areas of Expertise: biomedical signal processing and instrumentation, cardiac signals, speech and speaker recognition and biometrics.


Dr. Chee-Ming Ting

PhD (Statistics), UTM

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, UTM

Research Fellow, Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBE), UTM.

Areas of Expertise: Statistical signal processing, time-series analysis, and high-dimensional statistics, neural signals.




Each participant: RM 490.00

(The registration fee includes lunch and printed lecture slides)

Registration Deadline: 5th Dec 2015


For detailed information, enclosed is the short-course announcement pamphlet.

For registration, please fill up the attached registration form at this link

and send the proof of payment to


If you have any inquiries, please contact me. We are looking forward to your participation. Thank you.



Yours Sincerely,



Chee-Ming Ting, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer
Center for Biomedical Engineering

Faculty of Biosciences & Medical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



DATE         :  25 NOVEMBER 2015 (Wednesday)
TIME          :  8.30 AM TO 1.30 PM 
                :  (light snack and lunch will be served)
           Auditorium, Ground Floor,
High Impact Research (HIR) Building

Open to all Researchers & Postgraduate Students

For the benefit of postgraduate students, researchers and/or academic staff, we are pleased to invite you to the MTSF Grant Research Symposium.

MTSF Grant Research Symposium is a yearly event, for MTSF Grantees to present their completed research results and findings cum share their experiences with the scientific community and the general public.

The Symposium is also a good platform to know more that MTSF Science & Technology Award and Science & Technology Research Grant.

Please use the attached “List of Attendance” Form and fax (04-3908260) or email ( the list of those interested to attend the Symposium on/before 13 November 2015

Thank you for your kind attention.