Final Call – Excellent Research Awards by IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia

This is a final call for IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia Chapter initiated excellent research awards. The deadline is 15th Feb 2015.

Excellent Research Awards by IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia


Nominations are opened for all PhD/Masters graduates and researchers for Excellent Research Awards by IEEE Signal Processing Malaysia. The awards are initiated to recognize the excellent works conducted in the area of signal processing. The award recipients will be invited to receive the award during IPIARTI/SASSP 2016. Each category will be awarded a plaque, cash and a certificate. The categories of the awards are:

#1.   IEEE SPS Malaysia Best PhD Thesis Award 2015

#2.   IEEE SPS Malaysia Best Master Thesis Award 2015

#3.   IEEE SPS Malaysia Best Signal Processing Journal Paper Award 2015

Submission Guidelines

  1. For categories #1 and #2, the thesis must have been accepted by the Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL)’s Senate between 1st of January 2015 to 31stDecember 2015
  2. For category #3, the journal paper must have been published (or at least have DOI number) in a journal between 1st of January 2015 to 31st December 2015 (must be in any journal promoted by IEEE SPS as in Appendix A in the attachement)

iii.            For category #3, the applicant has to be the corresponding author of the paper

Award Criteria

For all categories, an expert committee will be evaluating the submission based on the originality and contribution of the works in the area of signal processing.

The applicant must be an IEEE member at the time of submission.

Submission Date: Before or on 15th of February 2016

Please submit the softcopy of the form (as attached), thesis and all outputs IN ONE ZIP FILE (of PDF format) to:

  1. Iqbal Saripan (IEEE Signal Processing Society Malaysia)


Syed Abd. Rahman Al-Attas, Ph.D., SMIEEE
Computer Vision, Video, and Image Processing (CvviP) Research Lab

Dept. of Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 Skudai,

Tel: 07-5535378
Fax: 07-5566272